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<br /> .' i <br /> I <br /> , <br /> I <br /> .e standards in order to get distributions under the new homestead block grant system -- as <br /> is currently the case for aids paid out under H 477A,OII to 477A,03, <br /> . Section 22. Annual appropriations. Appropriates the following specific amounts from <br /> the local government trust fund for fiscal years through 1996 and from the general fund <br /> . thereafter: (i) for city & town local government aid, $339,266,000 for aid payable in 1995 <br /> and $348,287,000 for aid payable in 1996; (ii) for county criminal justice aid, <br /> $ I 0,000,000 for aid payable in 1995 and $10,265,000 for aid payable in 1996; (iii) for <br /> I family preservation aid, $1,500,000 for aid payable in 1995 and $1,540,000 for aid <br /> payable in 1996, No appropriation is provided for the local government aid program after <br /> the payable 1996 aids, The county criminal justice aid and family preservation aid <br /> . appropriations for aid payment years after 1996 _are made from the general fund, and are <br /> equal to the prior aid payable year's appropriation amount plus the inflation adjustment <br /> . defined in ~ 477 A,03, subd, 3. County-level homestead block grant appropriations of <br /> $803,963,000 for aid payable in 1997 and $813,851,000 for aid payable in 1998 and <br /> thereafter are provided from the general fund, Amends Minn. Stat. 1994, ~ 477 A,03, <br /> . subd, 1 effective the day following final enactment. <br /> Section 23. Inflation adjustment. Strikes a now redundant reference to the automatic <br /> Ie inflation adjustment for city local government aid, county criminal justice aid, and family <br /> preservation aid, for aids payable in 1996 and thereafter. Amends Minn, Stat, 1994, ~ <br /> 477A.03, subd, 2 effective the day following final enactment. <br /> . Section 24. Reenactment. Clarifies that Minn. Stat 1994, ~ 477A.03, subd. 1 is not <br /> repealed effective July 1, 1996, This provision is effective the day following final <br /> . enactment, <br /> Section 25. Repealer. Minn, Stat. 1994, ~~ 477A.Oll, subds. 30-37 (definitions for city <br /> . local government aid calculations); 477 A,O 12 (town local government aid); 477 A.O 13 <br /> (city local government aid); and 477A,OI4, subd. la (certain adjustments in payable 1991 <br /> . and payable 1992 aids for local government trust fund revenues) are repealed effective for <br /> aids and grants payable in 1997 and thereafter, <br /> I Section 26. Effective dates. <br /> i <br /> I I <br /> ) <br /> . <br /> , <br /> i <br /> ! <br /> .e <br /> . <br />