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<br /> I <br /> I. 17 March 1995 <br /> R-'''' <br /> I ' ,:1...d", <br /> ._ ~_,\l._<,.,.: <br /> Mr. Gregg Downing WAR ? <br /> I Environmental Review Coordinator L.. <br /> Environmental Quality Board ;CiTY <br /> 300 Centennial Building <br /> I 658 Cedar Street <br /> St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 <br /> I Re: Request for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br /> Dear Mr. Dowuing: <br /> . Please consider this letter and its attachments as our fonnal request that an Environmental <br /> Assessment Worksheet (EA W) be completed for a proposed project to develop a wetland and <br /> I open space in Arden Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> The proposed project is a townhouse development on approximately six and one-half <br /> acres of land owned by Bethel College and Seminary located at the northwest comer of Ramsey <br /> . County Road E2 and Old Highway 10 (also known as Old Snelling Avenue). The proposer of <br /> the project is Daniel Ogren, 4570 Churchill Street, Shoreview, Minnesota 55126 (telephone <br /> (612) 481-6765). <br /> .- We have prepared a petition requesting an EA W which contains the signatures and <br /> mailing addresses of more than 25 individuals as required by Minn. Stat. Section 116D.04, subd. <br /> . 2a(c) (1994) and Minn. R. 4410.1100 (1993). ~ Exhibit A (attached). Moreover, we contend <br /> that the proposed project to build townhouses on wooded open space which contains three <br /> delineated wetlands and is adjacent to protected wetlands and a protected water requires a <br /> mandatory EA W. <br /> I As you know, an EA W is "a brief document which is designed to set out the basic facts <br /> necessary to detennine whether an EIS is required for a proposed project or to initiate the scoping <br /> I process for an EIS." Minn. R. 4410.0200, subp. 24 (1993). See also Minn. Stat. Section <br /> 116D.04, subd. la(c) (1994). An EA W is a fact-finding tool created to give governmental <br /> officials important infonnation about a proposed project's potential for affecting the environment. <br /> . "An EA W must be prepared for projects that meet or exceed the threshold of any" <br /> mandatory category. Minn. R. 4410.4300, subpart L Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 27 identifies <br /> wetlands and protected waters as a mandatory threshold category. It states in relevant part that <br /> I "[flor projects Ihat will change or diminish the course, current, cross-section of one acre or more <br /> of any protected water or protected wetland. . . ." an EA W is required.! <br /> . 1 A protected water and protected wetland are defined by what is a public water and wetland in Minn. Stat. Section <br /> 1030.005, subds. 15 and 19, Wetland "means lands transitional between terrestriai and aquatic systems where the <br /> . water table is usually at or near the surface or the iand is covered by shaUow water. For purposes of this <br /> definition, wetiands must have the foUowing three attributes: (1) have a predominance of hydric soils; (2) are <br /> inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a prevalence of <br /> .e hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions; and (3) under normal circumstances <br /> support a prevalence of such vegetation, . , ," <br /> I 1 <br />