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<br /> . <br /> . ARDeN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MAY 8, 1994 9 <br /> {' City Attorney Jerry Filla indicated a public hearing should be also scheduled and this would <br /> . eliminate any problems regarding notification. <br /> AMENDMENT: Malone moved and Hicks seconded an amendment to the previous motion <br /> . adding the time of 7:30 p.m. for the Public Hearing. The motion and <br /> amendment carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> . Councilmember Malone inquired if this action would hinder any project time limits: Mr. <br /> Stonehouse indicated the start date is June 15th, so there should be no problems. <br /> . MOTION: Malone moved and Keirn seconded a motion to table Resolution #95-35 until the <br /> May 30, 1995 Regular Council Meeting. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> . Councilmember Hicks requested that at the next meeting Mr. Stonehouse break down the bids with <br /> and without the walkway. <br /> . Councilmember Hicks requested staff to consider usable lot area for calculation of assessments. He <br /> did not believe the residents would want a uniform rate, this would raise 23 and reduce 9 <br /> .. assessments. <br /> Mayor Probst called a brief recess at 9:30 p.m. <br /> . Mayor Probst reconvened the meeting at 9:45 p.m. <br /> . APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> Mayor Probst noted two changes. <br /> . . <br /> April 20, 1995 <br /> . Mayor Probst requested on page two, paragraph e, that ".. politically." be dropped and "...regarding <br /> local and national political processes." be inserted. <br /> . April 24, 1995 <br /> . Mayor Probst indicated a spelling correction on page three, the last sentence, Mr. Dave Carlson <br /> should be Mr Dave Carland. <br /> . MOTION: Malone moved and Aplikowski seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the <br /> .. April 20, 1995 Worksession and April 24, 1995 regular City Council meeting as <br /> corrected. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> . <br />