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<br />. ADril 18, 1995
<br />I ?age 2
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<br />I Some of th= 9rob17~s in colleceion of the fines .goes to the face
<br />t~at 20% ot tne aac=esses tne C~urt oota~ns are ~ncorrec~ or bad.
<br />Second, the case of issuing war~ants and imprisoning parties fer
<br />I failure to pay fines often exceeds the amount of the fine. Fer
<br />example I a male arrestee broughc i1'1 en a warrant t.o che Adul:.
<br />Decsntion Center cases the County S82 ~er day. For a female t~e
<br />I c::.arge 1.S S96 ger day ac the VOA.
<br />
<br />I:: :'995 Ramsey County has star':ed a ::eTN' change in collect.ion
<br />procedure. This is called che Minnesota Collection En~er;r~se. --
<br />I inc~udes skip cracingt enteri~g ~nco the income cax sysc:m
<br />....:;:.i~...... .:::::lon- __..... ,...~ - I..;.... ....~....--~..,... ..........~ ,.... ..-:::.;~.'!"'I ~ - ' ........-~,::::.......
<br />'---....___~cu__~'- _..;...;..e5 a...'-'o ,-aK___g '___~'_ ___ort'. ""e_.:::Ion ::J ,;"~,,,,""".I..c. ana. ......l..u'-_
<br />methods of colleceion. So far i~ 1995, 5250,000 has been colleceed
<br />I th...."ug" ~"iS "r~cQss '~"e c~u~~y be';Qves t'na~ ~~.- 'N1.'1' c,e'"
<br />..._..... .I.... '-..._ 1:' '-' ~ , .i".... ...., '.I....L.. ___ ..... l...........;;:, . -- ~..;. -....
<br />;.:lc:=ease ~he fine ::-evenue.
<br />
<br />~u.~~~g ~~e meo-~~c 7uo'ce rJ1.'son ";"se~le~ ~~a~ many iua'ces "'a'vo ,,-
<br />I :..J-:,...... --:-' -'~-'-.-.__~ -' ,N..;.. ,-.,~""" -::_.....':--.... "_,..I.,,"" ."'..l,.....'-'_
<br />::"e:cu.ce =-=es anc. :2-::e:s 2-:1. puc..;,,:.c ae.:e:lc.e= and .:.ncl.gent cases.
<br />=~=~her, he indicaced thac ths~e is ~cs wuc~ sentiment among ~~e
<br />. Bench co i..mpcse :i::es based en a use= type syst:.em racher they
<br />I impose fines as tney relate 1:::1 the offense and as a genalty.
<br />?~nally, when parcies have failed ~o pay fines judges taka t~e
<br />position chat they are in on a warrant and they have se~Jed a
<br />I number of davs then they are en~itled to custody credi~ for the
<br />t~me ~e~ed and th~ ~ine.s ar~ rNa~iv_ed.. Other.llisc:, t~ey ~e~:~~:le
<br />=nac It lS ~cc wor~~ ~av~~g t~e ce~encanc serve !urtne= Ja2~ t~me
<br />because it COSLS the system more ~o keen him or he~ lailed.
<br />
<br />I ':'he standard cone in' a DWl case :.s generally S30~, 91us $250
<br />alcchol assessment fee plus a 20% sur:::J.arge and a $25 levy and
<br />I l.:.b~arf =ee ,f~r a t.ocal.. of 5487,00. ~:l 3. domestic assaul~ case t:~-:e
<br />mancacor/ m1.n1.mum 1.S S~OO.
<br />
<br />'T't.,o c~n"'u.sion o~ -ho me,gj-~1'1g '.'as -'h~r -=~.....o:=1"' o~ -jl Fino ......Q..1;TeT"'l"O~-
<br />I -~..'- '-' '-'~. - ... .. '-....- II '---.- ('f l.____ ---~-- J.. c;.__ ----- -- .---- - '"
<br />::ot relaced CO fines imoosed because of tb.e many collec~ion
<br />~~oo'loms ~ec"nc.' rt.,ev all' ac.....:::.o,..:; ........a- ,....;....i1 sanc....ions- ,;::.......... .;_~iU~Q
<br />...,.... ,-_, _ ~ '-" ,-.... __ ..._~_ '-.I.. L.. ,-_11__ __.- .:..'........ '"";:;7.~...L. -~
<br />co 9ay ~i~es would ha~e ~ore of an ef=ec~ on par~ies ~ay~ng c=e
<br />I ::.ne as opposed C-:J issui:J.c 'lIa~rant.s fer their arresc - ?c::::
<br />~ rs-anco dr": Vo.....' S 1; ccnse O....~ ~..i -: ;:;loges -""0 Y".ovcker4 whe"" a .....a.,...-?
<br />:;-'-~~ _~f ...~:~ --;.'~_"~.::,~-:,:--_,...~~~-";'-- '""~,.~..; ;~:_~.:.
<br />_a~~s __Q 9ay a "-..;..ne. .h~_o., __'-..____ ::1.__ ,-110 pro9osea a~_..:..s -..- '---'-
<br />Tac's-.L--'U~o -h-~ c.roui~ ass's~ ;~ =ine ~~I:~c~~on ~he ~~~s- a110ws
<br />I -:.-- ai-....~ ,-~c.'-"" -..... .. .... ':: _.:.... '--. '-~--'- '-'- . 4-"', --- L. ---:-:"':"
<br />:~nes to =ema~n oucstanc~ng :or up :0 s~x years ana t~e secona C~__
<br />would actach license 91ates to an ind:.vidual as opposed to bei~g
<br />racistered to a vehicle. That way if a oartv has unnaid fines
<br />I ~h~i= ?lates would be taken away f=om chem and they would not ~e
<br />able co ooerate a '.rehicle. Finallv I :he new creacive ::~llec~icn
<br />. ~~~co~u~os' be'ncr u~~';zoC1' ~v ~-mse;r C~un~v -n'ou'c' ass~~~ "n -~~o
<br />:::-_'-" ~.... _~ ..... -' '-.....~_ '- .A.J.. ~c. _ ...... 1.0.:::' .J.. . ..:..:::::i__ ..;....:. .!........_._
<br />I generacion,: am enclosing for you OJ: a copy of the bill whic::.
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