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<br /> - --- SUB U R BAN A'RE A C HAM B E R 0 F COM MER OE I <br /> _.. ----r",...- <br /> - --.. ......- <br /> -' . -- w_ <br /> , " - - 2 4 8 9 R i ( e S t r e e t · Roseville, Minnesota · 551 J 31 <br /> . . , . <br /> ~ . <br /> ....-... .- ..... ,. <br /> --=--'.l~ ,r ' (6 1 2) 4 8 3 . 1 3 1 3 . Fox (6 1 2 ) 4 8 3 . 9 0 5 4 <br /> I 1995 LEGISLATIVE WRAP UP I . <br /> I <br /> Invited Presenters <br /> Irv Anderson Roger Moe <br /> Speaker of the House Senate Majority Leader I <br /> Steven Sviggum Dean Johnson <br /> Minority Leader of the House Senate Minority Leader I <br /> Invited Area Leaislators I <br /> DISTRICT DISTRICT <br /> 52 Senator Steve Novak 55A Representative Harry Mares .1 <br /> 52A Representative Wayne Simoneau 55B Representative Betty McCollum <br /> 52B Representative Dick Pellow 56 Senator Gary Laidig <br /> 53 Senator Linda Runbeck 56A Representative Mark Holsten I <br /> 53A Representative Phil Krinkie 56B Representative Larsen <br /> 53B Representative Sherry BroEker 57 Senator Leoard Price <br /> 54 Sentaor John Marty 57A Representative Walter Perlt I <br /> 54A Representative Mary Jo McGuire 67 Senator Randy Kelly <br /> 54B Representative Mindi Greiling 67A Representative Jim Farrell -I <br /> 55 Senator Kevin Chandler 67B Representative Steve Trimble <br /> Thursday, June 22, Shoreview Plaza Hotel - Hampton Inn I <br /> (Lexington & 694) <br /> 7:00am Registrations, Continental Breakfast 8:25am Open Discussion & Questions I <br /> 7:30am WelcomE & Introductions 9:00am Adjourn Wrap Up <br /> 7 AOam Introduction of the presenters General one on one discussion <br /> (Moderated by MN Chamber Representatives) Room available until10:00am I <br /> COME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!! I <br /> LET YOUR CONCERNS BE HEARD!! <br /> GET A HEAD START ON WHAT NEXT YEARS SESSION WILL BRING I <br /> X <br /> --------------------------------------------------- <br /> "LEGISLATIVE WARP UP" REGISTRATION FORM <br /> JUNE 22, 1995 I <br /> Name(s) <br /> Company Phone No. I <br /> No. Attending @ $7.50 Each = $ -I <br /> Please return this form with your payment payable to: <br /> Suburban Area Chamber of Commerce <br /> 2489 Rice St, Suite 160 I <br /> Roseville, MN 55113 <br /> 11\1?\ AIl<\_1<\1 <\ "'~V 11\1" AR<\_Of\~A <br />