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<br /> I Cornrnnmen( NO.. TC- 51434 <br /> SCHEDULE C Owners Policy No.: <br /> . <br /> I . Loan Poltcy No.: <br /> . <br /> I The land reterr eO to in this commilmenl policy ill tl1(: State 01 Minnesota , County 01 Ramsev <br /> C:ind 1$ described as follows: <br /> All that part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27) , <br /> I Township Thirty (30 ) North, Range Twenty-three (23 ) West, described as follows: <br /> commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence <br /> due North along the East line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) for 1210.0 <br /> I feel; thence due West at right angles for 703.0 feet; thence South 78" West <br /> for 1575.0 feet; thence North 12" West for 720.0 feet to a point on the <br /> shore of Valentine Lake. said point being the point of beginning of the <br /> property to be described; thence North 78" East for 760.0 feet; thence North <br /> I 12" West for 520.0 feet; thence South 78" West for 700 feet to a point on the <br /> shore of Valentine Lake; thence in a SOutherly direction along the said shore <br /> line for 525 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Together with an <br /> II . easement for driveway purposes over the following described premises, to-wit: a <br /> scrip of land in the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) and in the Northwest Quarter <br /> (NW 1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Thirty (30) North, Range <br /> Twenty-three (23 ) West, running from the Westeriy right of way line of trunk <br /> I highway No. 51, said strip being 30 feet in width on each side of lines <br /> described as follows: beginning at a paint on the East line of said Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW 1/4) a distance of 758 feet South of the Northeast corner of said <br /> I Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4); thence on a West bearing (at right angles to said <br /> East line) a distance of 130 feet; thence North 3D" 00' west for 200 feet; <br /> thence South 77" 30' West for 215 feet; thence North 25" 30' West for 130 <br /> ~; thence North 120 00' East for 175 feet; thence on a curve to the left <br /> II ing a radius of 215 feet, an intersection angle of 620 for an arc distance <br /> of 232.65 feet; thence North 500 00' West for 100 feet; thence on a curve to <br /> the right having a radius of 403.58 feet, an intersection angle of 1030 30' <br /> II for an arc distance of 729.03 feet; thence North 53" 30' East for 100 feet; <br /> thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 150 feet, an intersection <br /> angle of 134" 30' for an arc distance of 352.12 feet; thence North 81" 00' <br /> II West for 155 feet; thence North 34" 30' west for 170 feet; thence on a curve <br /> to the left having a radius of 165 feet, an intersection angle of 74" 30' for <br /> an arc distance of 214.54 feet; thence South 71" 00' West for 38.84 feet more <br /> or less to a point that is 1050 feet West of the East line of said Northwest <br /> II Quarter (NW 1/4); thence South 800 57' West for 236.89 feet; thence North <br /> 19" 48' West for 154.30 feet; thence North 37" 26' West for 136.61 feet; <br /> thence to the right on a curve having a radius of 520.39 feet, an intersection <br /> II angle of 45" 50' for an arc distance of 416.28 feet; thence North 8" 24' East <br /> for 117.76 feet; thence to the left on a curve having a radius of 400 feet, an <br /> intersection angle of 41" 30' for an arc .distance of 289.72 feet to a point <br /> II that will la~er be called 'Point A"; thence continuing on said curve for an arc <br /> dlstance of 195.95 feet, an intersection angle of 28" 04'; thence North 61" <br /> 10' West for 247.77 feet and there terminating; also a line described as <br /> follows: beginning at the aforesaid "Point A"; thence South 56" 54 ' West for <br /> II 30.00 feet; thence to the right on a curve having a radius of 600 feet, an <br /> angle of 210 061 for an arc distance of 220.96 feet an there terminating, <br /> Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> I <br /> I 9060 <br />