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<br /> I <br /> I. CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> I <br /> DATE: July 17, 1995 <br /> I TO: Brian Fritsinger, City Administrator <br /> Mayor & City Council <br /> I FROM: Cindy S. Walsh, Parks & Recreation Director Cf lJ <br /> I SUBJECT: Homeowners Association use of the Tennis Court on Sheehy Property <br /> I Back!!round <br /> ML C.E. Sheehy & Mr. James Shacker donated 8.57 acres of their property to the City of Arden <br /> Hills. This property consists primarily of Type III and Type IV wetland. There is a tennis court, <br /> I which is located in the SW corner, that is in very poor condition. I have previously recommended <br /> removing this court area due to the unstable soil conditions, which would create a high <br /> maintenance area. <br /> I Homeowners Association Reauest to use the Court <br /> I was contacted by Todd Albertson of the Arden Hills #3 Homeowners Association. He inquired <br /> I- if the City would let the association maintain and use the court. He understands that it would <br /> require resurfacing at least every other year, which would be a costly endeavor for the City since <br /> it serves such a small population. <br /> I The association is interested in just the tennis court area, not the entire parcel. Mr. Albertson is <br /> asking whether the City Council would consider subdividing the property. Secondly, would the <br /> I City give or sell the court area to the neighborhood. <br /> He also inquired if the City intends to develop the Sheehy Property. I told him that the current <br /> , wetland laws make development of that area difficult; however, these laws can and may change, <br /> Concerns and Options <br /> I I am concerned that if the City simply allowed the association to maintain the court, we would <br /> still be liable for any accidents that may happen. Selling that portion may also limit trail or <br /> , housing development options the City may have in the future for that area. I still believe that it is <br /> not in the City's best interest to pay for continued maintenance on that court. While we have not <br /> had an opportunity to review all of the options, I would support a short term lease situation but <br /> I not a sale of the property. <br /> Is the Council interested in selling or perhaps leasing the area to the association? Please let me <br /> , know your opinions. <br /> ,- CSWjt <br /> I <br />