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<br /> ------------ <br /> I <br /> I The Town Crier <br /> I <br /> I News and Events of Arden Hills August, 1995 <br /> What's in Many Arden Hills residents recognize the name "Town Crier". It first appeared on <br /> I May 6, 1966, when Issue Number 1 was published by The Arden Association, Inc. <br /> a name? This was a voluntary organization: the newsletter was funded by donations of $2.00 a <br /> I year by each member family! The Association continued to fund and publish the <br /> newsletter until October of 1974, when voluntary donations would no longer support the effort. The City, <br /> recognizing the value of the newsletter, assumed the cost of publishing and distributing the newsletter and, after <br /> I a brief hiatus, is doing so again. Arden Hills has changed in many ways since the original .newsletter. The <br /> question is, "Should we keep the name, or change to an updated moniker?" We have heard both views. If <br /> you feel strongly either way, let us know. <br /> I To be or not Why does this publication exist? It is meant to be a source of information about <br /> the news and happenings in Arden Hills; a newsletter where you can read about <br /> I to be... city meetings, plans under consideration, decisions made by the City, and sometimes <br /> just information of general interest to Arden Hills residents. The views expressed are <br /> I t necessarily those of the City: they exercise no "censorship" over the contents. It is certainly reasonable that <br /> lcial views of the city be expressed, as they potentially affect all of us. However, opposing views and even <br /> occasional outright dissention can be healthy for the governing process! We do not envision a lot of glitz, we'll <br /> I try to concentrate on content. <br /> Throw me The Town Crier is being "re-floated" with this issue. We need members for the <br /> I a line!!! Newsletter Committee: not just to fill the pages, but to make sure we cover all <br /> important issues and fairly represent the views of all Arden Hills residents. There <br /> is a Neighbors of Valentine Lake Association and a group dedicated to exploring <br /> I issues and opportunities regarding the Twin City Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP, referred to as Tea-Cap). <br /> Are there others? (At one time there were "area captains" who reported happenings and viewpoints from their <br /> I ; neighborhoods.) We need to hear from you regularly. In addition to reports or minutes of City Council, <br /> Planning Commission, and School Board meetings, it would be valuable to have people share their <br /> observations and opinions. Let us know if you can help. <br /> I Hot Since the last newsletter, Arden Hills has a new City Administrator: Brian <br /> Topics! Fritsinger. Brian has been with the city for a total of two years, starting as <br /> I Community Planning Coordinator and becoming City Administrator effective 2/1/95. <br /> He has already found himself in the hot seat on a number of issues. Not surprisingly, <br /> some of these issues appear on Brian's list of most urgent issues for the city to address. <br /> I There seems little middle ground on the issue of the Ogren Townhome development <br /> Townhomes proposed for the NE corner of County Road E2 &; Old Snelling. Dan Ogren, <br /> I or Wildlife? Bethel College, the seller of the property, and the Planning Commission ran into a <br /> "land swell" of opposition from the surrounding neighborhoods. Despite neighborhood <br /> I <br />