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<br /> AUG-01-1995 16:48 BPW 612 370 1378 P.06/11 <br /> U.s. DEPARTMENT OF THlINTl!RIOR RECEJVEt <br /> . BUREAU OF INPIAN AFFAIRS' ($,....1 <br /> BUILDINGS ANO lAND USE PLAN JUl 03 1995 <br /> FOR <br /> 'TWIN CITIES ARMY AMMUNITION PlANT (ARDEN HILlS) TRIBAL OPERA r'vi" <br /> JUNE 30. ,", <br /> U.s. DEPARTMENT OF TItE INTERlORl8ureau or indian Affairs (BIA's) Mission: "The <br /> BIA'. minion 1$ Ie &nhance the quality or life, to jIIOhlCloa. economic opportunity, and to <br /> carry out the responalblllty to protect and Imp"",e th. lNIIt __ of A/IIerIc:an Indl_. <br /> indian trlbe. and A1Mka Natlvee. The 8IA will accomplish thi& through the delivery of <br /> quality services. IMlntatnlnll lO"emment-lo-fl~t I1IlatlOMhlpa with the spirit of <br /> Indlan selfodetannlnlltlon. .. <br /> PROPOSED USAGE: The Bureau's pu~e fer acquiring the Twin Cities Army Ammunition <br /> Plant (Arden HiUs) is 10 provide. promote end anhBnce the Prairie Islsncl Indian CommunItY' <br /> health, welfare, economic development, nouslng, employment, education, social lleNicas, <br /> nstural resource. management including forestry and wildl~e management Bnd community <br /> aclIvlti... The Bureau will utiliU the 'TWin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (AtUen Hills) property to <br /> enhance and 8lCIlsncl the Prairie l$land Indian Community'. lend bale to a=odate the <br /> nousing needs and health concems d the Prairia Island Oakota Communily'. a~roxim8lely 490 <br /> tritl;tlly enrolled memllllrs. <br /> The U. S. Department of the Inlerior (001) is requasting the Department d the Army to forward <br /> their Request for TtanSfer d EllCBl8 Rut and Related Perional Property (GSA Form 1334) to <br /> the Ollice d Management end BUClgtl to apPf'Oye an exceptiOn to the 100 percent <br /> . reimbursement requirement, i.e. . . no coat' of the propefty. The euthority for the <br /> ac~uiSition Is I" accordance with Section 105 (I) (3) of P. l.. S3~3a, the Incllliltl Self- <br /> Oetsrmillalion and Educelicn Assistance Act, and a<lb8llquent tsdIrli~1 IIm8ndmenl pertalnin9 <br /> - 10 real property within P. l. 1 01 ~ states "the allllf'Opriate Secretaty may....cqulre excess or <br /> -- surplus Go~emment personal or nila' property fer donation to an Indian tribe or tribal <br /> organization if the Secretary determines 1M property is appropriate for use by 1he tribe or tribal <br /> - organlzation for a purpose of which a self-<letermination ClOnlrect or gf8l'll Ign!Iemenls II <br /> 8l.Ithorlzed under this Act.' <br /> I HISTORY OF THE PRAIRIE ISlAND INDIAN COMMUNITY: The people of !he Preirie ,.land <br /> Indian Community ("the CQrnmunlly') call themselves Md......kantonIWehpekute Oakola. Nati~e <br /> Amerlcsne haYe visited, lived on and buried lheir dead on Preirie Island for more generations <br /> I thlln c;an ee c:cIunted. The UMed Stele. Government referred to the Dakota also as Mississi~i <br /> Sioux, MinnelOta Sioux, Sioux of the Lakes, Sentee Sioux. the end included thtrn with the <br /> SiseetonlWahpeton bw1ds of Dakota in the vari0u5 trealies between 1Ile Oekota Netion and the <br /> I United Stat" Go~ernment end in the Acts of the United Stsles Congress. Treaties ceded <br /> Dakota land in Minnesota and SUITounding States in the years of 1830, 1836, 1831 end 1851. <br /> lend..... &8t aside for a reset\fation for the Prairie Island Indian Community by the Treaty with <br /> the Sioux on August 5, 1851 at MendOla and that raseMltion was reduced by the Treaty with the <br /> I McI_kanton dated June 19, 1ll58. <br /> However. in Au;ult of 1862 a conflict broke out beIwHn the Oakota and white HItl_ Incl <br /> United Stat.. Governmenl agema In IOIItham Minnesota on and ne.,. the 'e..~_ d the <br /> I Oakote. This COnlllCl Is known as the Sioux Uprising, the Dakota Conflict and Minnesota'a l~iarI <br /> War and resuhed from late or absent annuity payments and provisions from the United Stales <br /> GO\lllmmant lIMd the attempts to asslmllate the Dakota. <br /> I <br /> I- 1 <br /> I <br />