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<br /> . , <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 28. 1995 .J .' <br /> Page 14, first paragraph, change "He directed..." to "Council directed..." , <br /> August 17, 1995 Worksession , <br /> Page I, item 3a.a, second paragraph, replace" ...for smaller projects..~" with n , <br /> time expense... " <br /> Page 2, item d., second paragraph, change "...and Ramsey County will share the , <br /> cos!..." to "..., Ramsev Countv and Minnesota Department of Transportation will <br /> explore sharin~ the cos!..." <br /> MOTION: Hicks moved and Aplikowski seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the , <br /> August 14, 1995 regular City Council meeting and August 17, 1995 Worksession I <br /> minutes as corrected. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> Mayor Probst requested addressing item 6.a. at this time. , <br /> Proclamation-Arden Hills Little League <br /> Mayor Probst welcomed the Arden Hills Little Lakes West Little League team to the meeting. The -, <br /> team had gained the Central Division Championship of the United States Little League and gone to <br /> the Wodd Series at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. , <br /> Mayor Probst extended congratulations to the team on their achievements and their outstanding <br /> behavior in representing Arden Hills and the State of Minnesota. , <br /> Mayor Probst read and presented the Proclamation to the team and shook hands with each team <br /> member present. Team members include: Mike Grant, Brian Clark, 10e Jorgenson, Chris Clifford, I <br /> John Erickson, Jim Pitt, Brian Christianson, Dan Stuart, West McFarland, Luke Stasson, Mark <br /> Mirocha, Mark Newman, Drew Partanen, and Brad Krebsbach, with coach Wally Grant and manager <br /> Steve Jorgenson. , <br /> Mayor Probst moved by acclamation, and was supported by the Council, this declaration of , <br /> appreciation by the City of Arden Hills, to the Arden Hills Little Lakes West Little League Team. <br /> Mr. Jorgenson extended appreciation to the City for the excellent facilities provided to the Little I <br /> League. He indicated the practice fields in Arden Hills were much better than the practice fields <br /> in Pennsylvania. He noted the only hinderance the team may have encountered, was the fact they <br /> had never played at night under lights. I <br /> Mayor Probst noted the City is hoping to put up a plaque in honor of the team at Perry Park. ., <br /> , <br /> --------- ------------ <br />