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<br />I <br /> <br />i WED"'ESDA Y. OCTOBER 25, I QQ~ . . ,))II!. .__ SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS <br /> <br />I COVERING THE COMMUNmES OF: Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Gem Lake, N . M <br />' eUderdale, Little Canada, Mounds View, New Brighton, North Oaks, Roseville, .ORYH EYRO <br />I _ oreview, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake, White Bear Township -_ . . <br /> <br />I . . .... - . <br />I, DEVELOPMENT ROUNDUP-- , _'^ <br /> <br />_'"S~ <br />... -. :~ <br />.' . however, is how the land might be Because of its contract with AI- UBRARY. NEW~ <br />,~ReSldents, prefer distributed when the Army finally Hant, the Army likely would de-' ...:;~ <br />,-~ _.: , _declares 1t excess. B~ause,Jl1uch clare Ne.xcess" only that I~d Dot The Utlrary Board, will ':fleet at <br />I 'p' arks 'at arsenal of the land is contaminated and _ used by AIliant. That means only I at tile Shorev,ew Ub"''Y7 4 <br />. Id' . I h' b f th 2 70 na Sl, Shorev,ew, 8'" Morris <br />costs COll tota as mue as $200 :r out 1,500 0 e ,3 acres Resources will provide an.a <br />A million to clean the entire site,' Ar.- would be open for development, random telepnone survey of <br />: fter a ' - my officialssaYl(could take up to whether in the form of housing ban Ramsey C?unW resident <br />I Well-attend- 50 ~ears. b~fOI:eJbe land is made and retail, parks and open spa~e. ~eli=~untty s com~rll~"'.~lnl <br />'ed public available.., . < ,.'!...: " . . . The survey shows that. ot'-the <br />hearing But now,memhers, of the Yento . Around north metro. . . sponding, 73 pe"'en' had, <br />Monday task force are pushing to bypass She d!dn't get Leeann Chin's, b"'iY wltllin the past I~ me <br />I ~aboutthe- -... the-traditional federal land redlS- but developer Mary McNellis one percentorthose.que.s"o.r <br />t 'b t' d - II . " . or the library IS very Importan <br />fate of the rt U IOn process an essentla y. seems satisfIed after leasmg the tot school-aged children;. and <br />.-twin Cities "'-1 .-; legISlate who gets~what, , , ,_ .last open space m the North Oaks said-co was "'f'/ Impertan"'", <br />'--:Army Am. ,;,,-t. .; ", Instead of hv,mg the GeneraLc -" Village Center:~'I leased it to Lit. oIltain esslstance from tIle'st, <br />I' ". . munition . '~.1 .~. B'- ~":-:/-_-,,.,I' Services Administration enterta.m...," ".'" tie Professor Book-Center;~~' -: Intormati"on~ Th.e meetin,.g.~.~" <br />:-Plant, niem: 1 MO~~~Ne,' r~quests from other federal agen- ",McNellis said~"They sell ~ks.-. - the pub"'- ":"~: <br />',bers of a.' i._ J- Cles, and then from local govern-- '. all kinds of books;_~ and pertod!- . EVENTS __',. <br />. STAFF WRITER k f b t'. - - - -,,_. <br />Jask force - " ~ --- ments, tas orce mem ers wan. ",_' calsi They were located mApache . ~,:__... ",~ 'j <br />I ;trying to de,":; .':--.:". _ Yento to-sp.gnsor-leglSlatlOn to dis'" .Plazalor a very long time,'and The White8e<lr,Lake Areasch. <br />_:"',cide the arsenAl's fate may-rethink,': trthute the-landfor;:speciflc pur:, :, ',they just closed ,there," - ~-':' " "presenting "Annie '9S"-fo"tI' <br />:recommendations that call for de--.--,,, poses or cgnvey some of It as ,- .,- -. The store opens around Nov,J5 . duetJon. The updated. - mode. <br />, " -,' - ks .".... ,... . Th t ld'" . C High slon of Annie will be perform <br />_oping areas.of the ~,370-acre ,- -.' p. a r_.or.op. ~ spac. e.:: . a. wou _ .' '... ,atthe'Y Illage enter,o!!.. _.' _,!,.a. y -....- p_m_ on Nov" 3;4" I. I. I 7--a."C <br />It.: ~ - -- -- .:.. effectlvel~ elimmatethe posslb'Ji.> 96-atHodgson.Road "':-,- 'Z~-:t--;,2 p.m_.oo Nov_C12_-Perforwan' <br />. --" ' ,-.. - '-- . _,,_ ty thatan IndJan tribe,.throu~the Across Hodgson, look forj/le) .he'dat Whrte.8ear:~,gi1"sc <br />- _ hat s hecause a vast majontJ:" .,:..;{ederal B~rea~ of I~dian Affalls, ':- new, Rainbow store in Sboreview Campus" 12tn ,and. O,v,s'on <br />'~_"of the.about250 north metroresl~, .,.could acquire-the land,':,___ ,_c -' en-for business Nov. 3c~:--- 8e.r.Lake.r~ket pnces ar':,$' <br />~_--' dents who ~ttende~.~he I?eeting at~~....;, ~a.t~uch' legislation '~oilld not-: ',:u: ~.The" ConsUmer' Credit Co~I- , ;:=~~e:~:~~~~t~~:~~1-:~,: <br />1- tEe Shothre~ledw C. omm::mty cen:"r__.,. address IS thelate ofAlhant_Tech", ing Service of-Minnesota has '--at tile dcor or at tile NorttrGa,.. <br />, . . -__~OICed ~Ir .esrre, to.. eep:muc.. -.;:': the munitions manufaCturiDg firm .' 'opened a new office in_Little Can- . between UO..a.m, and 3,30 <br />Qf.the land open; eIther as parks - __ locateciat the prime'development. d . The' e -ce IS- the--state's day tIlrough . Fnday_ For adVar <br />- tu e - eserve ...' a a. S IV1 sales and' Information on:o, u-- <br />,qr na r p~. s', _, _ corner of U_S_ 10 and Highway 96_ largest nonprofit group dedicated marn:e. cai' 429-2916_ ;{ <br />I ~ .~ Now, the_task force appointed,' Because the. company makes ex- to assisting consumers with bud- "D",c"'.. ". Sram Stoker's :Ciisc <br />, .' ~y Rep. Bruce Vento, D.Minn"" plosives, it is required by federal get, credit arid debt management. evil. will be the faU theater pro, <br />_will meet at least once more to law to maintain safe zones around The new office is at 93 W. Little lakewood Community CoHe <br />determine whether they sbould re- 'its facilities_ Those zones, called Canada Road, Suite 307. For more Centwy AV,e"beN--. Wht"se 8ea'NLaO <br />I k d t- llin f . af d' d t d . . mances w, gJn a p_m_ . <br />,!!or recommen a IOns 'ca g or '., s . ety arcs, are eslgne 0 e- information or to make an- ap-." and 11 In Lakewood's theater, . <br />, some development along High~ay ',crease the risk of harm to people. pointment with a counselor, call is $5 for aduns; $4 tot sonior cc <br />'96, DespIte the publtc Interestm'- or property m the event of an ex-'. 349-6953 _ _ _ . ''_'' students_ Tickets for tile stage <br />creating parks, don't expect their 'plosion_ But they also decrease the The city of Maplewood wants <br />'I ~ecommendations_ to change much_ amount of land free for develop- applicants for its Ho-using and Re- <br />- What appears ltkely to change, ment. development Authority. The au- <br />thority reviews housing policies in <br />" Maplewood, meeting the second <br />I REHIRING crow. ding -in -extra-large classes Tuesday of eacb mo~th at.7 p_m_ _ <br />-and add back parts of programs In the Maplewood City H~II. You <br />tbatwere reduced in the budget- must'be a Maplewood resIdent to <br />cutting he said apply. For more Information, call <br />I ". CONTlNUEO FROM' B ,. - 770 4566 '. . <br />. For instance, "We realize- we're ~ ., .", <br />""'00'.""". =, "m " ". "0" '= .. G~- ~v . . <br />Mills. said district _ administra- want to do some things there;" he /"'''w.,....., 'II' "...-' . . ...."".;" <br />to. rs have. agreed that if they could - said.. District officials also want to..,,~._.? .f.;:.".sit.~. ",.g:;:.".tM..IBI.Ba,."."''''''' -.... '..11.:..',.:.'.. . . . Q <br />I fund 25 teachers. this school year, look more closely at some extra- ?1i:~r19"eer:,Rfes. "'f"".'__. '..".:;.'.".".'" geei <br />15 would be used at the secondary curricular areas, he said_ ~f"'~T;Y~ . ......-iB'i\,%: . '::J <br />.~ and 10. at the elementary Tbere's also a question whether ;,t:fi"rr~'~Y~A~~r_~~:, County Roac <br /> <br />I -' ~~~:~;ng cautioned T.uesday ~~~~~ ;e~nr b~if::;td :u~~;~: ~.;.";..:.;...I~. @~.'''~~,1.J~~Id.~..!r.:r.p;I~..Siti...I!.:..',...'i.~: CROSSROAD5- of <br />tbat 25 positions "doesn't begin to rescbeduling effort. If it can be ?f/ShoreY'ewf:?"llubl[c-landtR\,.eas':!l"',", <br />put us back to where we were_" done bowever the district could 'SEARGH.buIDON1"DESJROY1J!te~ <br />Any hires would be.used to relieve benefit from the chance to recruit'i7-ab~oluleiyno-i,i;mEASURF <br />I teachers lD wlDter and early.. d,ggln,,-.necessary"i_ . ; I <br />sprtng_ . "to find-thetreasure_: HUNT, . <br />Mms on Monday asked the TheCityo! - __ The Fner <br />FORUM I board botht?dlscuss_and act on Shorevi,":',nrlfh. A I <br />