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4/9/24, 5:50 AM Gmail - Fwd: 2024 Be Active! Be Green! Bench Launch - Apply for free benches with Active Living Ramsey Communities <br />…3/6 <br />Questions? Contact C onni e Bernardy at al <br /> <br /> <br />2023 Be Active! Be G reen! Bench Routes <br /> <br />Mounds View Boulevard – Mounds View <br />32 benches on 2.5-mile trial sections al ong the north and south si de of Mounds <br />View Boulevard. The Park and Recreation and Forestry Commissi on of Mounds <br />View i dentified potential bench si tes along this corri dor. <br /> <br />This bench route wi ll not only serve the resi dents of Mounds Vi ew, but also those <br />i ndi viduals who use the reginal trail system in both R amsey and Anoka C ounty <br />and w il l all ow them to connect with other Tri al systems in the ci ti es of N ew <br />Bri ghton, Bl aine, Fridl ey, and Spring Lake Park. <br /> <br />Silver Lane Be Active! Be Green! Bench R oute - Saint Anthony Village <br />Two new benches creati ng a four-bench route al ong thi s corridor. Thi s one-mile <br />route of Sil ver Lane N E that connects New Bri ghton to Col umbia Hei ghts. There <br />i s a sidewal k along the south side of the street with tw o exi sti ng benches. <br /> <br />This area of St. Anthony is util ized by pedestri ans i n both St. Anthony and N ew <br />Bri ghton to access the Sil ver Lake Vi ll age Shopping Center. Thi s route i s al so <br />utilized by school -aged children and parents for school bus stops. <br /> <br />Lexington Avenue B e A ctive! B e Green! B ench Route from Lake Josephine <br />to Central Park with Woodhill C onnector - Roseville <br />Five benches are on the Lexington Avenue corri dor with a tw o-bench connector <br />on Woodhill Drive. <br /> <br />This 1.2-mil e l ength along Lexi ngton Avenue and Woodhil l Drive li nks seven <br />benches on a route between Rosevil le's C entral Park and Ramsey County's <br />Josephine Park Beach which incl udes: The Oval, C ity H all, Li cense/Passport <br />C enter, Veterans Park, Ow asso Ballfiel ds, and 7 multi-fami ly homes and senior <br />communities. <br /> <br />C urtiss Field Park Be Active! Be Green! Bench Route – Falcon Heights <br />One new bench creati ng a two-bench route loop. Approximately 950' of paved <br />si dew alk surrounds C urtiss Fi eld Park and runs through the park. A Be Active! <br />Be Green! bench wi ll provi de a resti ng place at the north end of the park, creating <br />a 2-bench loop i n the park. A Be Active! Be Green! bench w il l provide a resting <br />place at the north end of the park.