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<br />.. 'u'l \\ -..,,I. <br />11 /1...,. <br />- l i. Most often as~~d}IUestions about . " <br />'''"''~~ v9 Prope~fty;'Taxes n' <br />.<n........ 'I".!;!I <br /> <br /> <br />. Q Is there any state assistance to help pay Q Why is the proposed County spending" <br />. property taxes? . up? <br />, <br /> <br />'if. Yes 'if Increased crime rates. i.Hi:',: <br />/1- . ~. : ' '~ :... <br />Taraetlna In response 10 citizen demand, the state toughened::" <br />A special state~p[]jd properly lax relief program (sometimes penalties f~r ~rime. T11i,s means tax increases 10 supp8rt <br />called ~[argeling") is available 10 eligible homeowners the courls, Jails, correctional programs, and County <br />whose 1996lilxes have increased over 12% or $100 from Atlorney activities arc paid for by County property laxes. <br />[he prior year reaardless of income The sIdle also helped meel these needs with some, <br />'" increases in criminLlI justice slale financial aid. Due 10.. <br />H you are eligible for lhe "targeting~ refund, the State will incrcas?d ~cmand f~r jail s~.~ce, the Cou.nly w!lI be_ <br />mail you the form in the spring of 1996, shortly after you expanding Its detention faCilities for both Juveniles and <br />receive your actual tax statement. If you don't receive a adults. <br />form and leel you are eligible, ,,1I296.3781 (24 hrsl day). <br /> <br />Circuil Breaker Q Do highet taxes mean the cities, school <br />A separate income-based relief program (sometimes called . districts] county and special taxing <br />lh: "circuit breaker") also is available. To be eligible for districts are spending more money? .1 ': <br />thiS property tax refund, a homeowner must have a lotal <br />household income of less lhan $62,000. (This is an <br />app:oximate amount. The exact dollar amount will be fi. Not necessarily. <br />available by Ihe end 01 1995.) S d' d .. I fl. d ' .' <br />pen 109 eCISlons are on y one ac or In etermmlng your <br />__ . . . properly lax. Some other factors are: <br />The form for thiS refund IS automatically senllo you for the A .. I ' k I I . I. :' <br />. . n Increase In your proper y s mar e va ue can ncrease <br />_ current year If you applied for a refund in the previous year. t <br />If you feel you are eligible for this refund and did not y~r axes: th k t 1 f th' h 1 <br />receive a form call 296-3781. ,langes In e mar e va ues or e region as a woe <br />_ ' sh,fllax burdens from one type of properly to another:' <br />. For example, commercial property value reduclions inS!. <br />_ Q Can you appeal your final market vaiue fat Paul or Minneapolis can shilllaxes fa county residential <br />. 1996 taxes? properties.' , . ,I <br />I The stale can change the level of taxes or the amoun~ of <br />Q1 slate aid paid to each property, which may result in a lax <br />/1-. Yes. shifl. n 'I <br />An appeal can be filed with lhe Minnesola State Tax Cour!. <br />I This needs to be done by March 31,1996. Contacl: Because any of these factor~ (?r olhers) may ~ffecl your <br />Minnesola Stale Tax Court, 25 Conslilution Avenue, tax, your property lax may slillln.crease. even If you.r n:arkel <br />Judicial Center, 2nd Floor, St. Paul, MN 55155. value stays the same and even If the City, school districts <br />and county do not increase their budgets. <br /> <br />I Q What city services ate paid for with <br />property taxes? <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I fi. Basic Services, Who determines property taxes? <br /> <br />In Saint Paul, for example, approximately 75 percent of Property taxes are determined by the decision of the legislature, <br /> <br />properly taxes pay for police, fire, libraries, and park and cities, school districts. counly and other special laxing authori,; <br /> <br />I recreation services. Other cilies in Ramsey County may lies like the Watershed Dislrict They all share lhe responsibilitY <br /> <br />spend similarly for these basic services. of determining your property lax. <br /> <br />" <br />" <br />I Q Is the proposed Saint Paul School District St,le Leoist,tu" .tr:'I: <br />. ' . oe~nes.properly[ypesandrales -:':'::-i" <br />levy Increase necessary? . Delermmes levels of local govemment services I I <br />. Decides levels of slale aid .. ~.I <br /> <br /> <br />I fi. Yes. Here's why. Cilies School Districts. .J Countv Assessor: .!:[ <br />, , . the Counlv and other . Determincsmarkelvalve <br />. District enrollment growth continues 811200 students per ~ecial Taxina Districls of properties . . '".': <br />it year, lhe distric! has reopened, expanded or acquired . Determine the amount of . Assigns pr?perty. ~Ias:s <br />facililies 10 meet lhe needs. properly lax revenue to properhes ,.. i <br />.. . necessary 10 fund local <br />SpeCial education needs and mandated ser:lces government services - ~ <br />continue to grow. r <br />, Slale aid calculation fadors, including tax delinquencies, ... PROPERTY ,-.-. <br />I conlinue to shift greater responsibility to local property TAX <br />taxpayers for education funding. <br />