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<br /> ~<~~~~~..~~~~~-'- ~~r~-r~2t:~ <br /> '~." ':;:~rt~~~~;...,~. < L ~__'~~~:-. '. .-1".~i~"~""j.'= F ....~~ ~13!''''''''''T;~~'. "'~.o~_ ""~....Z~,.... ~.." <br /> --_.J...~~~,._. " _ '~~_"'..., -~~::~ ~~~~_'< " ~.~~~_~_-,o:~:;:t~. :.A~~'- <br /> . ..' ,-'-...:.~"""" ~ - ~'':''''-4.. ~":.. ,.~ ....~. -," '- S.~.- ,~. -'":.... -- -. <br /> I ( <br /> I : <br /> : <br /> I Peter J. Coyle <br /> I ..illMINISTIATlVE L-\W Mr. Coyle is a member of larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren's <br /> ALTE?..."/ATIVe: DISPUTE RESOLUTION Government Relations and land Use pracrlce groups_ His govemmem: <br /> 8ANK1NG <br /> I BENEfiTS relations prac:ice encompasses the U.S. Congress and Minnesota legislarure, <br /> aUSlNESS ?L"NN1NG as well as stare and federai adminis"tracive agencies. pAr. Coyte specializes in <br /> I CORPOR.....TE _..\,,'1D aUSiNESS LAW repreSerH2.C:on of priv3.(e developers 2....l1.d l2.l1do\vners before s(a~e agencies. the <br /> COPYRJGnl <br /> Mecropoli= CouncIl, county boards and city councils. He also supports the <br /> CREDITOR. DEBTOR ..1J'ffi 8A,'(K...~UPTCY <br /> I ~"1lNE'fT OOIvrAL'( lli-m's Public and Municipal Law pracIlce group III its represemal10n or <br /> 3tIPLOYY1ENT ,-\...'(0 LABOR u,w municipal clients. <br /> E:,'1"iRO\'0.1E"\fT...:..L L.-\ ',if <br /> I EST...... IT ?LA..NNiNG !vCr. Coyle has served as Staff Dire:wr and Chier Cotmsel to Uuiced <br /> F.a...MlLYU.W Seaces Senamr Rudy BoschwitZ aIld l~e U.S. Senate COITllmrtee on Small <br /> I .'CHISE Ao1J OISTelBUTORSHIPS Business in Washing-ron. D.C., with responsibililies for trade, taxation, lebar, <br /> G.A.:\11"IGL..I..W <br /> GOVERJ."'I'\I.{ENTAL REL-\TiONS insurance 2..Lld barr..bng issues. <br /> I i-iE..olcLTH CARE lvli. Coyle received his bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, rrolll St. <br /> LNSLJKANC::' .-\i"fD C-\SUAL-:-Y U,W Cloud Stale University in 1979, majoring in ;::ll..:blic administration and his <br /> I l;>.JTELLECiUAL ?ROPS::<.TY <br /> :NTER,N.....TlONAL L...;.W juris doctor. cum lauce, from Ha..rnline Uni'...e:siry L2.w SchOOL in L 984. \\/~"'jle <br /> L.I,..i'fDUSE. at H2...slIne. 0iir. Coyle re~eived all award tor B~sl AdvQC2.Ie al [he Jessup <br /> I UTiCA nON Regional Moot (OUrl Comperillon and was c.he edl[Qr-ln-cruef of the Hamiine <br /> P.....TE:-.rT <br /> PERSONAL li'/lC?" '( Law ReVlew. <br /> I <br /> PRO DUG LL-'\BIL:T':' <br /> PROFERT'; T.:"'.'< ,':'.P?'::.-\L <br /> I ?ROFESSIOI'fAi... caRPeR.>.. TrONS <br /> ?t.'BLlC POLlCY <br /> ?f...iBUC x'iD ,\lL:>ilCP..l"L L:...W <br /> I R.E......L SSI.-='" TS <br /> SECURlTiES <br /> I TAX. 7?!.JSiS ,..1,,'-'0 EST.-=... L"ES <br /> T5LECQ,\l.\.lU;'ilCA ,TONS <br /> .DE:-'L-=...RK <br /> I W()RKE.:<.S' CO,'.1?=:~iS,,710,'.; <br /> I ! 500 .'forNeS, FinJ.nC:2.i C~r',[c;'" . i9f)") ."<;::;'"'(;:':$ .AV~:lUc 5')1..:,:1 . 8Ioomlr.g~o.1. .\linr.~::;u(J. 55"':'3 l . '5! "2/3J5-Ji100 <br /> > <br />