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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Required Supplementary Information <br />Budgetary Comparison Schedule - General Fund (continued) <br />Year Ended December 31, 2023 <br />Expenditures (continued) <br />Current (continued) <br />Public works <br />Street maintenance <br />Personal services <br />Materials and supplies <br />Other services and charges <br />Total public works <br />Parks and recreation <br />Park maintenance <br />Personal services <br />Materials and supplies <br />Other services and charges <br />Total park maintenance <br />Recreation <br />Personal services <br />Materials and supplies <br />Other services and charges <br />Total recreation <br />Total parks and recreation <br />Total expenditures <br />Revenues over (under) expenditures <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Transfers out <br />Net change in fund balance <br />Fund balance - beginning <br />Fund balance - ending <br />Original Final Actual Variance With <br />Budget Budget Amounts Final Budget <br />347,360 <br />360,010 <br />337,708 <br />22,302 <br />55,250 <br />70,250 <br />59,540 <br />10,710 <br />393,820 <br />393,820 <br />285,262 <br />108,558 <br />796,430 <br />824,080 <br />682,510 <br />141,570 <br />358,410 <br />358,410 <br />349,403 <br />9,007 <br />43,350 <br />43,350 <br />77,980 <br />(34,630) <br />143,830 <br />143,830 <br />117,254 <br />26,576 <br />545,590 <br />545,590 <br />544,637 <br />953 <br />156,690 <br />157,330 <br />126,476 <br />30,854 <br />23,250 <br />23,250 <br />15,360 <br />7,890 <br />57,190 <br />57,190 <br />34,818 <br />22,372 <br />237,130 <br />237,770 <br />176,654 <br />61,116 <br />782,720 <br />783,360 <br />721,291 <br />62,069 <br />5,530,180 <br />5,591,170 <br />5,343,517 <br />247,653 <br />(160,760) <br />(221,750) <br />10,638 <br />232,388 <br />- <br />(171,140) <br />(171,140) <br />- <br />$ (160,760) $ (392,890) (160,502) $ 232,388 <br />3,366,237 <br />$ 3,205,735 <br />-49- <br />