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06-04-24 Agenda Packet
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Karth Lake Improvement District Board
Karth Lake Agendas
06-04-24 Agenda Packet
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6/20/2024 12:58:10 PM
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6.1.2. Discussion: Susan Johnson hosted a “Love your Lake” party. There were <br />about 20 people. Lots of new people. It would be nice if this could be an <br />annual event. <br />6.1.3. Action: Possibly have a summer event at Cummings Park shelter this <br />summer, combining Karth Lake related information and a social aspect to <br />help draw more participation. Kent was looking at doing planning for this <br />event. <br />Possibly plan to have another Wintertime Love you Lakes. Still plan to send <br />out educational information and let folks know who to contact if they see <br />something that shouldn’t happen and what things are good for them to do to <br />and plan for outreach to new residents. <br /> <br />6.2. Karth Lake water level modeling and management process progress report. <br />Renée Marino <br />6.2.1. Background: Hypothesis: a revision to the pump management policy can <br />reduce water level bounce (i.e., range of high and low levels), which can <br />improve lake quality and its environment while appropriately mitigating risk <br />of damage to shoreline properties. <br />6.2.2. Discussion: Renee will continue to work with the model and follow up <br />with RCWD and Houston Engineering when ready. She has a June meeting <br />scheduled. This is the final meeting that is provided as part of the agreement <br />with Rice Creek Watershed. She plans to run the NOAA rain data from 2002 <br />through the model. In 2002, the lake reached its highest recorded level and <br />temporary pumping initiated. With that rain data, the model should, ideally, <br />predict lake levels close to the recorded levels and be helpful for modeling <br />alternative pumping strategies. Renee has a presentation that discusses the <br />historical records and information about the history of this lake since 1975. <br />Renee tracks the lake levels every Sunday and would appreciate volunteers <br />to take a month or a couple weeks. <br /> <br />6.3. Bylaws review and possible modification. Susan Johnson <br />6.3.1. Background: A preliminary review of the bylaws causes there to be <br />questions regarding who is a member of KLID, how elections should be run <br />going forward, and who can vote <br />6.3.2. Discussion: Susan Johnson is continuing to review. She has not had time <br />to meet with David Perrault or discuss with the City Council. The wording in <br />the founding documents is not completely clear. <br />6.3.3. Action: This topic may be moot since there has not historically been more <br />than one candidate for an open board position during annual elections. <br />Never-the-less, Susan will follow up with David Perrault for any further <br />guidance he may have and get closure on this topic. <br /> <br />6.4. Open meeting laws update. Susan Johnson <br />6.4.1. Background: Susan reached out to David Perrault for guidance on <br />process that needs to be used for involving board between meetings for <br />urgent issues that arise. Note: There are no longer Zoom calls allowed.
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