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CC 08-28-2006
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City Council Minutes
CC 08-28-2006
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL -AUGUST 28, 2006 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />. Ms. Buskirk preseuted a "cut and paste" suggestion on how to improve the Royal Oaks <br />development. She indicated they could eliminate the Hamline access. She noted this would <br />reduce a lot of the asphalt because the road would not be there. She stated the access could be <br />added to the northern part of the property and put in a signal at Keithson. She stated this would <br />assist this development, as well as the residents on Keithson. She noted if they did not want to put <br />in a signal on Keithson, they could speed up the signal installation at North Heights Church_ She <br />stated they could flip-flop the building by the townhouses, which would provide better screening <br />for the townhomes. Ms. Buskirk asked if Mayor Aplikowski's son worked for ReMax Realty. <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated her son worked at ReMax as a real estate agent. He was 36 years old <br />and was independent of her. She stated she would not receive any benefit if her son's office was <br />in tbis building at some point in the future. She stated if the agency he worked for decided to <br />move into this building, she would not at all benefit from her son working for this agency. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated he resented the innuendo Ms. Buskirk was putting forward; He <br />stated his vote was an independent vote and it would be based on what was best for the City. He <br />stated the Mayor did not tell him or any other Councilmember how to vote. He noted in this case <br />the vote would require a 4/5tbs vote. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated she had not given Mr. Eibenhsteiner an "inside track" and Mr. <br />Eibenhsteiner has been aware of this property since they took down the City building. She stated <br />Mr. Eibenhsteiner was the Met Council representative and she has had two breakfast meetings <br />with him to discuss City matters, but she did not discuss this development. She noted there had <br />been other developments proposed, but staff did not feel those developments were appropriate and <br />recommended this development. She stated the Planning Commission recommended this <br />development and she had no influence over the Planning Commission decisions either. She stated <br />she would not be benefiting from this development. <br /> <br />Ms. Buskirk stated they care about their community and she urged them to deny the PUD and <br />work with the residents. <br /> <br />Diane Phillippi, 1442 Arden View Drive, handed out and read from a prepared statement to be <br />put into the City's file. She stated she would prefer they not approve this plan, but if they did <br />approve the plan, she recommended seven conditions with respect to eighteen wheeler access in <br />and out of the site and the landscaping provided by the developer. <br /> <br />Richard Roessler, 1261 Nursery Hill Lane, stated he lived in his home for 17 years. He <br />acknowledged this development was a developmental challenge. He stated in this case, they <br />needed to sell the benefits to the residents, the City, and the developer. He expressed concerns <br />about traffic control and management, the wildlife, drainage, storm water management, wetlands, <br />and infiltration systems. He asked the City to slow down the development. He stated he was in <br />favor of a development on this property, but they needed to take the resident's concerns into <br />account. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Larry Stark, 1460 Arden View Drive, stated the main focus on traffic issues so far has been on <br />volume and access, when he believed the real issues were traffic flow and safety. He presented <br />and explained photographs he had taken regarding his traffic concerns. He asked how traffic from <br />
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