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<br />211 <br /> <br />PlIBLIC WORKS COlIIlI'P.I!I!:E: Chairman DeLange re,JOrted that the oCllllllitte8 <br />met Sata.rday, ~ 2~. and he read a report consistiDg of 10 zmmbered par"agraphs. <br />The fo 1l01liDg actions were taken thereon: <br /> <br />(al Cummings mend and Mack: seconded a motion that the clerk write <br />the County SurYeyor that we intend to follow their recommendation to ohange the <br />name of ftLak:eview Avenueft to"Caunty Road IDlft and while they are now extending <br />County RQad 'D' eaet of Lexington Ave. that ~e oOUJIC11 feels that the eounV ShOl1ld <br />also improve _County Road D west of LexiDgton Ave. at county expense I carded. <br />"'". /0. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(bl JroC1UDg lllOVed and Mack: seconded a motion that the report dated <br />Ja.n.e 2~. 1\151 be acceptedallll. that the chairman be lII1.thorized to take appropriate <br />action en items 1, a, 3. 4. 5. 6. 8, II, and 10; earned. <br /> <br />Weed Inspector lleLa.nge reported 1ilat he made an inspection last <br />Saturday; Mack .mond and Doepner seconded a motion that JleIAtlge be authorized to <br />purchase a gallon of z.,lj.-D for spraying weeds; carried. <br /> <br />PuBLIC WELFARE CODIT'1'ElII: Chairman Jll:Clung had no rEPort to make. <br /> <br />](ayor Ca.mmings repeated a report _de at a previOl1s meeting 01' the <br />appointment of Dr. John A. Iloga as Health Officer for the balance of the J'llar. <br /> <br />The clerk: read a letter dated June 27th trom the COWlt;y Surve;yorls <br />off1ce qu.otiDg on 11 village boUJJ.ds.ry signs at $10.00 each bonderized, and $14.00 <br />each reflectorized, installed; the letter was placed on f1le for possible later use. <br /> <br />The council 'by metion of Cummings. which was seconded, ordued the <br />fol101ling clailll8 paid: <br /> <br />ft!.4 - D. D. Wolm1ak - 1'01' incorporation ballots, $1\1.25 <br />J1l5 - St. Paul Stllllp Works - for clerk filing stallll and ink: - $11.40 <br />1126 - H. c!: Val J. Rothschild. Inc. - for J'cl:EC and Workmenls Compensation insura1'llle. <br />$17.53 <br />fJ.$ .. Rose T:ribull8 - 1'or publishiDg OrdillaIlCe ./!J and proClaaatJ... on Notice, $1l.1jO <br />it' - )[elvin Hurlbert. 'building inspector, 'JO~ of May permits - $64.80 <br />he - Melvin Hurlbert,-buildiDg inspector, 1I0'f. of June permits - '70.20 <br /> <br />In fUrther reference to Claim #24. Wozniak, the $450 .00 attorney IS <br />fee item _s re1'erreil to Village Attorney Maok: tor- adjustment. . <br />Claim 1f27. H.c!: Val J. Rothschild. Ine., for $2H .48. for public <br />liability insuranoe, was deferred. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />SECON:ll:R:EADING OF CIi:ommm: The proposed plalllli oollllllission <br />ordinance came up 1'01' discussion and sponsor Doepner prllPosed thdrawing the original <br />as well as the pl'Dposed sulleti tute dratts ot it. but 1loC).ll1lg p oposed -killing- tile <br />ordiJlAncel while the matter was undel' discussion Mack mo ed,a o1l1'nme:a.t, was <br />seoonded anll curied abOl1t midnight. <br /> <br />y <br /> <br /> <br />/ <br />/ <br /> <br />APPRO VZD:A~ '-,L/ <br /><i)' _-.or <br />.. ():au;.-~/>~7f <br />](ayor . II <br />