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• —Tables— <br /> Real Gross Domestic Product—Page 1: <br /> History <br /> Components <br /> Productivity -Non-Farm Business Sector <br /> Corporate Profits <br /> Employment— Page 2: <br /> Monthly Data <br /> Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims <br /> The Consumer—Page 3: <br /> Confidence Indexes <br /> Personal Income - Consumer Credit <br /> Personal Expenditures <br /> Auto and Light Truck Sales <br /> Housing Indicators <br /> The Business Sector—Page 5: <br /> Inventories and Sales <br /> Durable Goods <br /> Institute for Supply Management Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Surveys <br /> Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization <br /> Foreign Trade—Page 7: <br /> Balance on Current Account <br /> Foreign Trade in Goods and Services <br /> Foreign Trade - Goods Only <br /> Prices—Page 8: <br /> Personal Consumption Expenditures, Producer and Consumer Price Indexes <br /> Employment Cost Index - Institute for Supply Management- Philadelphia Fed <br /> The Federal Budget—Page 9: <br /> Receipts and Outlays <br /> Key Receipts and Spending Components <br /> The Federal Reserve—Page 10: <br /> Federal Open Market Committee—Members and Alternates <br /> The Beige Book Release Dates <br /> FOMC Meeting Dates <br /> Release Dates of FOMC Minutes <br /> Fed Policy History <br /> Bank Credit <br /> Marketable Securities Held in Custody for Foreign Official Institutions <br /> The Markets—Page 11: <br /> End of Month: Fed funds target- 6-month Euro - Treasury Yield Curve- S&P 500 - German and <br /> Japanese 10-year yields- Euro - Yen- Gold <br /> Daily closings: German,Japanese and U.S. 10-year yields- S&P 500 - Euro - Yen- Oil <br />