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<br /> 43 <br /> ....11 of the for ego in,:; except (aJ have been performed. J.::otion carried. <br /> Public Welfare: Chairman l'"cClung had notLing to report. <br /> In the absence of Bu.ilding Inspector Hurlbert the Clerk reported that in <br /> a phone c,,11 the fercer told him that Er. Richardson of La~'e Jc',€p:line was contacted <br /> on removal of rubbish. l:r. Richardson tala. llim thut i.l,j_col1sis:s entirely of tin <br /> cans now imbedded in frozen ground and cOl1~ains no garbage and therefore asked that <br /> . i~s removel be deferred to spring, which Vias agreed to by tOle council. <br /> SPEC I &L C G:1:I.l.'';1EES : <br /> Ci vi 1 Defense: lio report because tl-e Director was not in attenda~ce. <br /> Ramsey County Planning Commi S3 ion: Delange reported that he was not <br /> noti~ of November meeting, ani the Clerk reported there has been no reply to our <br /> leU joining the Commission. <br /> REPORTS GF OFFICERS: <br /> ilie Clerk reported that the financial statellEnt will be published in .ran.- <br /> uary instead of November because he was advised by the Public Examiner'S office that <br /> the law has been chaIloaed so that the calendar yea:r is the fiscal year of the village. <br /> The treasurer reported that the villaGe is in a strong financial pondition <br /> and that he will have a written report at the next reguLr meeting. <br /> CLb.DiLS: By motion 01: Doepner ..conded by DeLange the following claims <br /> were appr oved for ];a yment : <br /> #56 - The White Bear Press, for 1000 envelopes $ 10.00 <br /> #58 - Den's Corner - 1:or October constables' gas 3.51 <br /> #59 - Le~gue of llinneso ta Municipalities - for membership cl.le s 9/1/51 <br /> to 8/.,1/52. 38.00 <br /> #60 - Elsa ];[. Obs t, Rams ey COUll ty Treasurer, for roa d \lOr k dur ing the <br /> peri cd of Sept. 2.6 to Oct. 2.5, 1951 275.12 <br /> ()f,l - The Rose Tribune - for publishing Resolution On Nov. 8. 1951 <br /> re posting places 2.40 <br /> #62. - Sperry Office Furniture Co. - Inv. 10/29/5lfor supplies (office) 3.60 <br /> By motion 01: Doepner seconded by Delange the following Resolution was <br /> passed: <br /> "Resolution <br /> "BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills <br /> . that said village consti tute one election district and that the polling place <br /> shall be the l.{ounds View '!'ownshipTown Hall, located on S.T.H. #96, West 01: <br /> Hemline Avenue and :East of Snelling Avenue. <br /> ".A. I;]) BE IT l!UR'iJlER RESOLVED That notice Il.ereof be posted by the Village <br /> Clerk for 60 days." <br /> By motion of Doepner seconded by DeLa adjourned to <br /> 'l'hursda;y, December 6th, 1951, at 8 o'clook: P.M. <br /> = ~~) Clerk: <br /> Approved: )I;l.~ ., or '. (//~;: <br />