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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JUNE 10, 2024 <br />City Administrator Perrault stated he has made this point to the County. <br />Councilmember Holden clarified for the record that the City Council was aware in 2016 that the <br />soil under Town Center would have to be remediated. She indicated the County had this <br />information when they purchased the property. She commented on how the County was supposed <br />to sell the property to the master developer and the developer was to complete the mass grading. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported the short answer was the City does not know. He <br />explained if TIF and abatement were not options for this project, the project may stand still, <br />unless a private partner equity piece were to work out. He stated if this option were to move <br />forward, then the land would be taken down in one transaction. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated the spine road has not moved at all and the County had <br />funding from MNDOT to complete this roadway, which has now been forfeited. She questioned if <br />the County would be going after additional funding from MNDOT for this portion of the project. <br />City Administrator Perrault explained the County may have checked some of the boxes on the <br />project, and he was uncertain if the funding had been forfeited. <br />Mayor Grant thanked Councilmember Monson for her comments. He stated he was not aware <br />that TIF was being discussed. He reported the muck on site goes back to 2017. He reported if the <br />County were to ask the City to contribute $10 million, this was slightly less than two years' worth <br />of a levy. He noted the County levies close to $1 billion in two years. He explained the County <br />has been discussing a funding gap for quite some time. He noted the County paid $28 million for <br />the property, of which $6 million was given to the Army and $22 million to Bolander to clean up <br />the property. He stated the County claimed there was a gap of $17 million years ago and he did <br />not understand why this gap consisted of. While he understood costs and interest rates were on the <br />rise, the idea of a funding gap was not new to this project. <br />Councilmember Monson indicated the County has not asked the City to put $10 million into this <br />proj ect. <br />City Administrator Perrault clarified this was not a formal request from the County, but rather <br />an idea that the County put in $10 million and the City put in $10 million. He noted this was a <br />comment made in passing. <br />Councilmember Monson stated she was not following the $17 million gap statement from the <br />Mayor. She indicated the question remained who was going to pay for the mass grading. <br />Mayor Grant reported the County purchased the property for $28 million and shortly thereafter <br />the County identified a funding gap of $17 million. He wasn't sure if this was a legal expense. He <br />reiterated that the County has always identified a funding gap for this development. <br />Councilmember Monson stated the County was previously going to cover the mass grading <br />expenses and now they were no longer willing. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported in 2024, there was clear accounting of the $40 million <br />gap. He explained the $40 million of site work has always been understood and in 2018 the <br />County had agreed to fund this and now they were not willing to. <br />