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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JUNE 10, 2024 2 <br />2. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />None. <br />3. AGENDA ITEMS <br />A. 4293 and 4295 Lexington Avenue Concept Plan Review <br />Megan Rogers, Larkin Hoffman, thanked the Council for their time. She provided the Council <br />with a presentation on a concept plan for the two parcels adjacent to Cummings Park. She <br />reported she would need a rezoning and text amendment to allow for a school and house of <br />worship within the I-1 zoning district. She believed the proposed site would suit the school and <br />house of worship use given its location within the community. She commented on how schools <br />require a larger parcel in order to accommodate a campus. She recommended the text amendment <br />only permit this use under certain conditions. She discussed the project objectives in further detail <br />with the Council. She reviewed the existing site conditions and noted her client appreciated the <br />fact there was a full-sized kitchen and cafeteria that could be utilized by the school. She <br />commented on how traffic would flow to and from the site. She commented further as to the <br />benefits of having all of their students on one campus. It was her hope the Council would support <br />the proposed concept plan on this site. <br />Mayor Grant asked what type of school would be coming into the community. <br />Ms. Rogers explained she has kept her clients name confidential because they have had three <br />purchase agreements where other schools have come in and offered more money for those sites. <br />She reported if the Council did not support the use on this property, she would let her client know, <br />but noted she would be keeping the name of her client confidential. She indicated this was an <br />expensive site and a significant amount of fundraising would have to occur before the purchase <br />could be made. <br />Councilmember Holden inquired if the exterior of the building would be changed. <br />Ms. Rogers reported the exterior of the building would not be changed. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how the 400 students would get to school on a daily basis. <br />Ms. Rogers stated there would be both bussing and parents dropping off students. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated she was worried about the flow of traffic given the fact this <br />was a high traffic area. In addition, she was concerned about the fact this site did not have a <br />playground. <br />Ms. Rogers noted 273 students currently take the bus to school. She indicated the site had 693 <br />parking stalls and 400 would be attributable to the two southern buildings. She explained the <br />busses would be parked off site. She discussed where a potential playground could be located on <br />the property. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the hours of operation were for the school. <br />