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Attachment B <br />.ARZEN HILLS <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />City Council Code of Conduct <br />The City Council, led by the Mayor, has agreed to following code of conduct regarding the <br />conduct of Councilmembers in and out of official City Council meetings. <br />1. Be respectful of one another, and the public process, at all times. Do not criticize other <br />Councilmembers or Staff in public. IV <br />2. Stay focused on the elected official role — policy creation, statutory duties and citizen <br />representation. <br />WiL <br />3. Aim for a consensus and have a respectful debate when appropriate, but accept decisions <br />of the majority once made. <br />4. Limit contact to specific Staff. Questions of Staff and/or requests for additional <br />background information should be directed to the City Administrator or responsible <br />Department Head. The City Administrator should be copied on or informed of any <br />request. <br />5. Council shall not complain about or disparage Staff members or City Councilmembers to <br />other Staff members or Councilmembers. <br />6. Respect Staff and the fact that they work for the Council as a whole. Do not expect or ask <br />them to engage in the fray (secrets, gossip, triangulation), make your individual case <br />(take sides), or to be your "insider" (informant). <br />7. Council direction to Staff should only be given at Council meetings, Council should <br />strive to be clear when it gives direction ensuring at least a majority of Council is in <br />verbal agreement; Council shall avoid consensus by silence. <br />8. Council should not surprise Councilmembers or Staff with issues, questions, requests, or <br />presentations at Council meetings. Should a Councilmember want to make a presentation <br />or discuss an issue it should request to add an item to the respective agenda at the <br />beginning of the meeting when the agenda is being approved. <br />The Mayor, or in their absence the Mayor Pro Tem, is charged with presiding at meetings and <br />maintaining proper decorum. If there is a disagreement with how a meeting is being conducted, <br />those objections should be voiced politely and with reason following normal rules of procedure. <br />