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<br />52 <br /> <br />SECClill BEil.DING OF ORDINANCES: Ordinance 1I0. 4 - "..In Ordinance ~ <br />Designating Official Depositories," was by motion of l~ck seconded by DeLan;~ <br />passed, after a second readin:; by the clerk. <br /> <br />RESOLUTICl~: Mack introdQced the following resolution, which upon his <br />motion secomled by DeLange, was passed by the council: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"Resolu.~ ion lio. 11, Requesting Law Enforcing <br />Officers to BriU{; Violators Before the <br />Courts of this Village <br /> <br />"WHEREAS, Otto C. GraffUnder, one of the Justices of the Village of <br />Arden llills recommends that all violators 0 l' the law within the <br />Village of Arden Hills be tried by the Courts cf the Village as <br />~rovided by law and <br /> <br />"\~~S, ~~e Said Otto C. GraffUnder, requests a resolution by the <br />Council of the Village of ..i.rden Hills directing the Clerk to notify <br />the Commissioner of Highways and the Sheriff of Ramsey County of <br />such Resolution, and now therefore be it <br /> <br />"RESOLVED, by the Council of the Villat;-e of Arden Hills, that the <br />.Clerk send a copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of High_ <br />ways and the Sheriff of Rarr.sey CmLnty, re~uesting that their re- <br />spective Officers take all law violators committing offenses in <br />the Village of Arden Hills before the Courts of this Village as <br />provided by Law." <br /> <br />ARDElI HILW I Iili.ILING AllIlRESS: !!he clerk read a lEtter dated Jan. 23 from <br />Arthur A. VanDyke, Postmaster, St. Paul, in response to his request for proper <br />style of address to include the name of the village~ which letter closes with <br />the following paragraph: "In connection with the inclusion of Arden Hills in <br />the address, the following. style should be used: <br />Mr. Herman .J. Doepner, <br />3401 N. Snelling Avenue, <br />Arden Hills, <br />St. Faul 8, lii.nnesota." <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE: Vic Weber appeared before the council in regard to the <br />appointment of a new director for civil defense. He repj)rted that he wOIlld <br />discuss the ').uestion again with Verne Phiffer, also that classes in civil de- <br />fense work would be held on 10 ~esdays at the Falcon Heights fire department <br />and all cOQncilmen were urged to atteml them. Meetings ~tart Feb. 19th. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ST:.NllIlm C01!MITmE .ll'POnr'::%EllTS: l:s.yor Cummings announced his appoint- <br />ments for 1952 as follows: <br />Finance: Doepner, Ch., Wlllck, Worth G. Read. <br />Public Safety: 1~ckChCh., Delange, Vic Weber. <br />Public Works: De Lange:7.:cC lung, liobert O. Ashbach. <br />Public ~elfare: McClung, Ch., Doepner, Dr. Carl Ingerson. <br /> <br />In this connection it was pointed out by the clerk trn.t according to our by- <br />laws non-council members were ineligible. <br /> <br />jf.i;.YOR'S PWnnNG ,,"ill iillVISORY COliU,II'lTEE: !!he mayor submitted the names <br />