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<br />'15 <br /> <br />(1J.1 Irvin J. Orton asked abou.t putting a road on his property SJuth <br />of liwy. 100. He,was told that if it is a private road he does not require co~ <br />oil consent, but if he intends to plat his property then an;v road put thereon <br />wcmld have to be built in accordame with village specifications before the <br />ccmncil would accept it. <br /> <br />IlEPOR'lB OF STANDING C01lMI'l'TEElS: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Finance: Ch. Doepner said of the hearing July lIJ. he did not <br />hold a meeting of this oommi the, would arrange for one in August. <br /> <br />Public Safety: Ch. Maok reported J. of P. Graffunder's Justice's <br />Return for July with check for $611J..00 fiD/ls. <br /> <br />Mack moved and Delange seconded a motion, wbbh was passed, that the <br />constables have the D/lW sirens installed in their private cars and that the vil- <br />lage pay the cost of installation. <br /> <br />:By the same motion J. of P. Graft'under was authorized to have the <br />portable signs for constables' cars reflectorized at village expense by the <br />Midway Sign Compan,y. <br /> <br />Mack moved and McClung seconded a motion, which was passed, that J. of <br />P. Graffunder be authorized to purchase 500 "Defective Equipment" warning tickets <br />to be imprinted with the village'S name, for use by our constables. <br /> <br />Constable Wasielewski reported the reappearance of a depression on <br />liwy. 10, Ilorth of the Soo 11D/l viaduct and D/lar Valentine Lake, and recommended <br />that the State Highway Department be notified thereof; the clerk said he would <br />notify )(r. Kleh of the liwy. Dept. <br /> <br />Public Works: Ch. DeLange reported on progress being made on the 1952 <br />road requ'irements. HEI 'also submitted an estimate by a private contractor on <br />oiling ~ich was considered to be unsatisfactor,y and referred back for possible <br />revision. <br /> <br />His Committee will meet Saturdq, .A:u.gust 2nd, to investigate necessary <br />dust coating of village streets, whereupon the mayor will call a special meeting <br />of the council to act thereon. <br /> <br />IlEPOR'lB OF SPE::IAL OOMMI'l'nlES: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning: '.l'h.e mayor read paragraphs 2 and :) of the 22nd report <br />by Chairman Sexton reCommending "an or'diname that no OD/l be allo1lllld to btr.Ud or <br /> a basement dwelling or occupy a garage," and rec cmmending "an c:r dinance <br />imreasing the minimum size of dwellings from 4.50 sq. ft. to 6.50 eq. ft.... the <br />mayor stated these matters will be brought up for consideration at the next meet- <br />ing of the council. <br /> <br />BE1l'l! CON'l'IlOL: 'l!1e mayor read letter dated July 15 from Tighe E. WOOds, <br />Director of Bent Stabilization, Washington 25, D. C., pertaining to the law passed <br />by the COllgl'ess on June :}Oth entitled "Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952, n <br />enclosing a copy of ~tle II "whiCh affects the continuation of rent controls in <br />(our) colllllll1ni ty;" by general consent of the council it was concluded that the <br />matter required no action at this time. <br />