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<br /> - <br /> .. <br /> . <br /> MlNU'i'ES OF ':'HE REGULAR Ji;EETllm OF lliE comqcIl OF 'IRE 87 <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS, lIIHNESOT.i. <br /> Held in the Town Hall, Monday, September 2~th, 1;J52. <br /> (36th 1leeting) <br /> Meeting called to order promptly by IJayor Cummings. <br /> ROLL CALL: Cummings, Doepner, J.:cClung, Delange present; lack absent. <br /> . MINU'.:'ES: By motion of Delange seconded by EcClung the minutes of the <br /> Au5'Ust 25th meeting were approved as read by the clerk. <br /> By motion of McClung seconded by Delange the minutes of the Sept. <br /> 4th adjourned meeting were approved as read by the clerk. <br /> By motion 0 f Delange seconded by 1IcClung the minutes of the Sept. <br /> 13th hearing were approved as read by the clerk. <br /> PETITIONS, REWliS'.:.Ri.NCE3, E'lC.: <br /> (1) Harold Thornes and wife of 45l~ HighwV lio. 10, and Roy Stromquist <br /> and vii fe, of 4535 :':ighway No. 10, appeared to ascertain the status of a <br /> building now built as an unoccupied basement homs but intended to be COIll- <br /> pleted as a single-family dwelling with one complement of toilet facilities <br /> to be used by two families, owned by one Allen Johnson, c/o his father Oscar <br /> Johnson, New Brighton. Building Inspector Hurlbert stated the plans filed <br /> with him are for a I-family dwelling, and that because of the excellent <br /> finillhing, such as beamed ceiling, panelled partition walls, toilet facilities, <br /> etc. he doubts that the owner will be able or even. wi lling to raise the super- <br /> structure for qu.i te some time in the V. A. Courtney expressed <br /> the opinion that every basement home is a violation of onr building code. <br /> llecause the Johnsons expect to move in and have not yet requested the neces- <br /> sary permiss ion from the counci 1, it was, by motion of MCClung seconded by <br /> De~e, and passedunanimously by the council, decided that the clerk write <br /> the Johnsons the following letter: <br /> "Yon are hereby advised that occupancy of your basement home <br /> located on Hignway No. 10 is in violation of our building code, and <br /> therefore before moving in yon are hereby reCluested to appear at the <br /> next meeting of the Village Council to t;,iscuss the matter of per- <br /> mission to occupy. <br /> -'lhe next regular meeting of the council will be on l:onday, <br /> October 27th, at eight o'clock P.M., in the town hall on Highway ;J6 <br /> between Hamline and Sne lling Avenue s." <br /> . !l.he Clerk advised Messrs. 'lhorn6s 8; Stromquist that a copy of said letter <br /> would be mailed to each, and the lluilding Inspector said he would make a <br /> personal delivery of the letter to L::r. Johnson. <br /> (2) Russell Bloyer of 3200 Lake Lane, by Odd Fellows Lodge, inqu.ired <br /> about what can be done to give him public road access to his property with- <br /> out having to cross over a ~ghbor's lot; Lake Lane, a public road, iS,too <br /> steep and overgrown with weeds, terminating as a dead end at the fence of <br /> his propErty, and impossible to travel, although gravelled. He said he tried <br /> to negotiate purchase of a road ri@'lt from his neighbor, who appeared willing <br /> but the wife unwilling. Village Attorney Courtney doubted that this case <br />