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CC 11-24-1952
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 11-24-1952
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<br /> .1IIBIJ'1!IS OJ' RBGULAIl J&EftIlTG OJ' mE COUIllIL Oll' 'filB " <br /> '. 1'IIJ..AGi 01 AIlllD HlLUl <br /> :le14 1. th8 "'H&l1..llo314&7,.llll'lu_e:r ~,J.'52 <br /> (3 Still !feetiDe) <br /> "etiJlc called to order lI7 -701' CummiDes. <br /> tOLL CALI.I All acraJ:I8ilMn preseat at the roll call. <br /> . mll'J"SS I ][i_tss of the Octoller 27th aeeti:ac were read 117 the clerk. 'Jhe <br /> ~or. JlcCl1Uljf. and DeLaJl&e objected to thoseportioa on the tirst and second <br /> pages reg&1'U:ac certain personalities and thoaght the7 should lie deleted. lfaok, <br /> how",el', althOll&h allsent fro. that aeetiD& thouaht 1Ib.q wen prOpe1'17 iao:b:Lcl8d <br /> 1t the7 set out what actual17 tookpJaoe &1; the meeting; 1Ib.e clerk: saU ths;l' 41d, <br /> 1Ihich was agreed to 117 CwDmiJlCll, JrAC11llllg, and 118LaJ1ge, on13 thq thouaht that it <br /> diil not make the record ~ok good, to which the clerk respO:aded that perlll nal_ <br /> itiee were not objecteil to 117 ... of 1Ib.em at the tiM, that the lll\7or, under hIe <br /> (, of OrUJWlCs ICo. 1, "ll7-Lawe," .ou14 have ruled them. oat of 01'481', _t did not <br /> and. as lSDg as the7 oouli tolerate tllem lIhen they oocursd the;y shOlild. lie w11liDg <br /> to tolerate 1Ib.e record of them. !be clerk: then read eai4 Jlu.le 6 from a printed <br /> 00P7 thereof. ftlen 118Lar1g. move4 to accept the lllilllll.tu as read uoeptine thCll. <br /> portions 01lJecte4 to, 'but there was no second; DClung 1Ib.en ottend a motion <br /> to d.lete neZ7thine startine with the word "Howe..r," in the 34 paragraph, page <br /> 1, to which the clerk: obJected; aftu a lengtq discus.ioa, in whicll there was <br /> no denial of the :tacte IIal'rated aDou t the pel'SOZIali ties in questioJ1, the clerk <br /> offered to delete ner7thi:ac pertainiIIB to ".lllllpl Bquipment ~ge" matter except <br /> the tinal paragraph containing a motioJ1, prOYided DeLlmge _14 accept en ame~ <br /> ment to hiB mot1oa that hereafter the ~or or lIOti:ac mqor will etrictl3 enforce <br /> Ibtl. , proMlIi ti:ac pereonali tiu at cOUDC11 ..etiap, to whish the rep13 ....e <br /> made that that ....s 1IJIIIeceSsaZ7 lIeomse .. alread;y have Ih1ls (i, and the clerk re- <br /> eponde4 "It is IIlscessar7 lIecauss the nle is not lIeing enforce d.- llhereupon <br /> 118L1mge IIOTed and 1foC11llllg seconded a motioll. to ~pro'f8 the IRilllll.tes as rea4 except <br /> the tirst tIlre. paragraphs rslating to the sullJsClt o~ "Ill.6/ll EquiPmeJlt Yap;. <br /> the clerk: IIOTe4 for a :roll call Tote, which was as follows: J'ou eu-iJlCs, <br /> KcOhuls, lleLange; Against, lloepner; lrAck allstained. <br /> In the forsgoing cOmlSction the 111&701' again iJlCidental13 aentiollld that .e <br /> clerk's IRilllll.tes were not COllPlet., as he had do:ae 0.. previO'Cl8 occasio:a.s, 1Ihere- <br /> upon the olerk again called his attention to the tact that there is a rather Clllll- <br /> mon IIliBUDd.rstandine 8IIIODC people as to 1Ihat should or should act p into the <br /> milllll.tes, that the clerit stu41ed parliamentary law 'lIJI.cl8r a prc:f'eeeioll8.l parliamen- <br /> taria.. and was compe tent13 advise d as to wm t should lie en tere4 in the IRiJIU. tee, <br /> which he liltsd, and that the lllilllll.tes "n 001'1'....17 1I1'ittell..p according17' !he <br /> Cler~ again, as he did on two preTi01l.s oceaeione, OIlS of which was a phone call, <br /> . as~ e 118.701' to n1llllit to him a list of the mat1lers h. ebould go into <br /> the IlliJlU.tea, and that h. _14 lie glai to give considnation to entering thalll i1' <br /> so qualifi.... A similer request _. Illade of the mqor dD.riIIB 'the foregoing phODS <br /> call, to whicll he re sponded ~X1ging up the pl10ne and made no SIlBsequet resp01l.s.. <br /> 11; is the clerk's UJIderstan t he is act a Clollrt reparter and required to make <br /> a verllatilll recor4 of what is sai4 at the ..eUng, is he 911.hist01'1&11.. In this <br /> COmlllction it appe~s a"TieaUe to state that it is a co_ practioe o~ csrtain <br /> cOUDCilmen iJICllldiIIB the 111&701' to ho14 "Postmort...- after c_11 meeti:D.g8 at <br /> which the cl.rk: was net present, dD.riq ..which 1Ib.iXlgs ~OUld have lieu 41sft.ei <br /> ..icla are not entitled tOJlilcocnition in the milllll.tes. <br />
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