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<br /> " <br /> '!'he c1e~k also repo~ted that we ned. nell elution Dooths, aDd that Engelbert <br /> Sclmtta is willing to buildZ for 'Wl cheape~ than lie can .1nly thelll oa tile III rket; <br /> ](ack lIIond and IlGepne~ 88CO a motion, which. lias canied, that he be authorized <br /> '\0 make fou election Dootha fo~ us sOllletime after the 1"2 'fil1age election. <br /> !reallU?e~1 Treas. hat repo.Jrtell that all mouTs reoehet haTe Deea depositet, <br /> and receipts i,su.ell, also all o~de:rs _thorized bT the o_il b.aTe been iSllUed, <br /> lie han moneT ia the bank. <br /> . .JUstice .of tb.ehacel None present. <br /> Til1l;lge AttO:r~1 Courtney expreseed. 1m opinion that there is no lall authori... <br /> iq pay f9~ o_i a attending speoial meetings of the o_il. <br /> Be also mp rused the opinion tbat the o_il _ DT reso1utioa fix its <br /> meeting place. I!le thSll. read <br /> -BlIlSOLU'fIOIf 11 0 . 17 <br /> -'lBEBE&S. siMe the imorporation of the Ullage of. Arden Bills the <br /> Tillage COluleil has he!G. regular meetinga ill the lIl~. Vi.. ~1I!l <br /> lall, 1Iithin the Tillage o:lt ArileJ1 Hills, looated on High.aT 1". <br /> lIetwean Hamline I: Snelling Ans.. and. <br /> -ymm-'I'l, in the opinion of the Council said. ..11 is a llUita1lle . <br /> propel' place to aonil1l:l:t the hsiM" of this 'fil1age, <br /> -lIlOl/'. 'l'l!EElEJ'OlIE. llJil 1'1' JlESOLVED that eaid. '1'o1lJ1 JIall is hereDT, for <br /> all purpoaes of this Tillage. declaret to lie the Tillage Ball of tile <br /> Tillage of .Arten Hills. aDd as shall De the official meetiq <br /> place of thb Tillage util other action b taku liT the eOlUlcil. <br /> DT the 'lillage CO'lUlCll the 24th dq of lIorember, 1'52.- <br /> B1 motion of Jraok aeconded 117 :Doepner this lIaa aioptet ani orderet to De pu'lllhhed <br /> OMe in the official newspaper. <br /> '!he tillage Attol'Jl87 alae uported that the election notice _srrepared and. <br /> deUnreel to the clerk; the c1e~k incidental17 reportell that it .. sip". <br /> poateil in three plac88, ani pu1llhhed twice 1a the official newspaper. <br /> lluilding In8Peo tor I ](shin Hurl'llert reported that a certain maJl. has .t..ed <br /> a -hog farm- and haa -mo'fed iate"a basement hOllS- near the renderiq plant; he said <br /> tMt a hog fa.1'II h not a dolation but a basement hOllle is; ](ack suggestecl tJ1at <br /> . actioa lie 1lJltil the lIas8Dlent home ordina_ has lIten passed. <br /> 'l'he Bu.ild1q Inspeotor alell reporte4 that there are two aaeee oa 11mbIe :loa4 <br /> east of Bamliu An. tbat are 'fiola tiq health regulations and that he lIaJl.ts ths <br /> cOtUlllll to take action. lIaClung reported that his .1fUe Co_i Uee inspected <br /> theBe sometime ago and fOlULd. no health meuace there. According to the m1:antell of <br /> the August 2,th 118eti11& the.. tter has Deen referreil to tbe PuUia Safety c_ <br /> mittee. and the Public Welfare Committee. also the Ma3or1e Planning aDd .A.drtso17 <br /> COlllllittee. Although Jraok as Chairlll&11 of the Public Safety Committee s&1 d he lias <br /> prepared to ~spo.Jrll iDIlIediate11 oa this. the 1IlII,1. asked the uveral collllllittees <br /> to look iato the 118t1le1'. lIaCl1U1g of the Welfare Co.tttee said he lIill call a <br />