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Screening <br />Trash Enclosure <br />Meets Requirements <br />Landscaping <br />Perennial/Shrubs/Planting <br />Islands <br />Applicant intends to comply with <br />standard <br />Landscaping <br />Replacement Trees <br />Seeks Flexibility <br />Landscaping <br />Boulevard Trees - 7 <br />Meets Requirements <br />Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation <br />6 foot sidewalk & Bike <br />Rack <br />Meets Requirements <br />Freestanding Sign — Copy Area <br />25 square feet <br />Applicant intends to comply with <br />standard <br />Freestanding Sign — Total Sign Area <br />37.5 square feet <br />Applicant intends to comply with <br />standard <br />Wall Signage <br />Sign District 7 <br />(Max. 45 square feet) <br />28 square feet <br />Planning Commission Review <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this application at the July 10, 2024 meeting. Three <br />recommended conditions of approval were added by the Planning Commission to include "All <br />items identified in the June 27, 2024 PW/Engineering Division memo shall be addressed. All <br />comments shall be adopted herein by reference;" "The Applicant shall follow city code <br />accordingly for tree mitigation of 300 caliper inches;" and "The Public Use Dedication/Park <br />Dedication fee shall be waived for future development of Lot 2, Block 1 of the 2 Pine Tree North <br />plat." The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval with 20 conditions of Planning Case 24- <br />009. <br />Additional Review <br />Building Official <br />The Building Official has reviewed the plans and has no additional comments at this time. A <br />Building Permit will be required prior to any construction taking place. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />The Public Works Director/City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has provided the Applicant <br />with a comment letter (Attachment J). All comments shall be adopted herein by reference as a <br />condition of approval. <br />Public Comments <br />Notice was published in the Pioneer Press on July 12, 2024. Notice was prepared by the City <br />and mailed to property owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property. <br />One comment was received at the Planning Commission public hearing. The comment was <br />concerning the quantity of tree removal and possible preservation of more trees. <br />Additionally, the Applicant hosted a neighborhood meeting on May 30, 2024 and invited <br />properties within 1,000 feet of the Subject Property to attend in order to learn more about the <br />project. Along with representatives from the City, there were three other attendees. Feedback <br />was generally supportive of the project. <br />Page 13 of 14 <br />