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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JUNE 24, 2024 6 <br />Mayor Grant indicated there was discussion within the writeup about MSA funding. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported the City could advance up to five <br />years in MSA funding. <br />Mayor Grant stated this would give the City $1.5 million, but noted the City was already in the <br />hole. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen indicated this was the last year the City <br />would not be receiving funding. He stated next year the City would resume receiving MSA <br />funding. <br />City Administrator Perrault commented he believed the City's MSA funding was spoken for, <br />for years into the future. He noted the City would be eligible to begin receiving MSA again in <br />2025. <br />Mayor Grant indicated he would like more clarification regarding the City's MSA funding. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked what the budgetary impact would be of a complete streets policy. <br />Mr. McGarvey explained a complete streets policy would have the City enacting a policy that <br />addresses how the City develops its roadway networks and has all modes of transportation being <br />considered. He indicated this policy would strengthen the City's commitment to all modes of <br />transportation. <br />Mayor Grant supported the City working with the school district in order to improve the City's <br />application for funding. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the City's best funding option was the SRTS. <br />Mr. McGarvey stated this would be the City's next funding opportunity, along with the Safe <br />Routes for All program. <br />Councilmember Holden supported the City pursuing SRTS funding again this fall and <br />recommended the City update its trail map. She suggested the City consider pursuing a complete <br />streets policy as well as this would give the City a few more points for its project. <br />City Administrator Perrault clarified that the City had a parks maintenance plan in place and <br />not a Parks Master Plan. <br />Mayor Grant reported a Parks Master Plan was completed in 2000 noting he borrowed a copy of <br />this document from Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen. He noted this document <br />states it will take 20 years to complete this plan. <br />Councilmember Monson discussed how she would support spending $50,000 on a Parks Master <br />Plan as this would assist the City with receiving future grant funding for projects and not just this <br />one. <br />