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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JUNE 24, 2024 8 <br />sports facility offers advantages that Costco would not offer and if Alatus wants vibrancy in the <br />downtown area, this would provide that though it comes with a price tag. <br />A discussion ensued about what a potential sports facility could include and potential next steps. <br />A discussion ensued regarding potential impacts on zoning, including the JDA's role in the <br />decision making process for a potential sports facility. <br />Council consensus was to direct staff to continue collecting information and to invite the partners <br />that are proposing the sports facility to present to the City Council at a future worksession. Staff <br />was directed to add this to the list of potential future topics. <br />City Administrator Perrault explained possible next steps in moving forward with a potential <br />single hauler for the city. He suggested waiting until the recycling RFP process that is being <br />facilitated by the technical advisor, Foth, is complete before making a decision regarding a single <br />trash hauler. He explained there will be a timing component to implementing a single trash hauler <br />along with a recycling hauler. He reiterated he would prefer to wait to address the single trash <br />hauler issue until a new recycling contract is put in place. <br />Councilmember Holden asked about the planning process and if public engagement would be <br />included. <br />City Administrator Perrault suggested waiting for Foth to provide assistance with the process <br />and noted that public participation could be a component should Council want to include such. <br />Discussion ensued about the options of a referendum or survey regarding a single hauler in order <br />to gauge public interest, road conditions and the effects of multiple haulers versus a single hauler, <br />and Mounds View's experience with the process. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the varying fees that garbage carriers charge and that the State has <br />mandated the process cities must follow during consideration of implementing a single hauler. <br />Councilmember Holden suggested the Council have an internal process figured out prior to <br />engaging the public with a survey. <br />Councilmember Monson asked about timing and if the Council would be in favor of revisiting <br />this topic following completion of the recycling RFP, such as in January. <br />Council briefly discussed the fact that the TCAAP redevelopment will be a single hauler. <br />City Administrator Perrault stated that if Council agreed, staff could bring the process back for <br />discussion following completion of the recycling RFP, so January at the latest, and Council could <br />determine at that time if it wants to pursue a single hauler in 2025 or 2026. <br />Councilmember Holden stated that could work if the recycling contract is for 3 years but not if it <br />is for 5 years. <br />