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4/23 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />How You May How You May Not <br />Spend Gambling Funds Spend Gambling Funds <br />Allowable expenses - Gambling funds may be <br />spent for allowable expenses, such as: <br />• gambling equipment (pull -tabs, bingo paper, <br />bingo blower, paddlewheel tickets, tipboard <br />games); <br />• advertising; <br />• printing raffle tickets; or <br />• any services or goods that are directly related <br />to the conduct of your gambling. <br />Charitable contributions - Gambling funds may <br />be spent for the following charitable contributions <br />(lawful purpose): <br />• to or by 501(c)(3) organization and 501(c)(4) <br />festival organizations; <br />• relieving the effects of poverty, homelessness, <br />or disability; <br />• problem gambling programs approved by the <br />Minnesota Department of Human Services; <br />• public or private nonprofit school; <br />• scholarships (if a contribution is made to a <br />scholarship fund, it must be made to a <br />nonprofit organization whose primary mission <br />is to award scholarships); <br />• church; <br />• recognition of military service (open to public) <br />or active military personnel in need; <br />• activities and facilities benefiting youth under <br />age 21; <br />• citizen monitoring of surface water quality, <br />with data submitted to Minnesota PCA; <br />• unit of government (NOTE: A direct <br />contribution to a law enforcement or <br />prosecutorial agency is not allowed); <br />• wildlife management projects or activities that <br />benefit the public -at -large, with DNR approval; <br />• grooming and maintaining snowmobile or <br />all -terrain trails that are grant-in-aid trails, or <br />other trails open to public use, with DNR <br />approval; <br />• supplies and materials for DNR training <br />and educational programs; <br />• nutritional programs, food shelves, and <br />congregate dining programs primarily for <br />persons who are 62 or older or disabled; <br />• community arts organizations or programs; <br />• humanitarian service recognizing volunteerism <br />or philanthropy; and <br />• acquisition and repair of real property and <br />capital assets (contact the Gambling Control <br />Board for requirements). <br />1. Controlled contribution - An organization <br />may not retain any control over any <br />contribution made from gambling funds. <br />The only exception is for expenditures by <br />a 501(c)(3) organization or a 501(c)(4) <br />festival organization to its general <br />fund. <br />2. Financial gain - A contribution or <br />expenditure may not be made if it results in <br />any monetary, economic, financial, or <br />material benefit to the organization making <br />the contribution or expenditure. <br />3. Government - An expenditure may not <br />be made for: <br />• influencing the nomination or election <br />of a candidate for public office; <br />• promoting or defeating a ballot question; <br />or <br />• any activity intended to influence an <br />election or a governmental decision - <br />making process. <br />4. Law enforcement - A direct contribution <br />may not be made to a law enforcement or <br />prosecutorial agency. <br />S. Pension - A contribution may not be made <br />to a government pension or retirement <br />fund, such as a fire relief association. <br />6. Conflict of interest - A contribution or <br />expenditure may not be made if it is not <br />allowed under the conflict of interest <br />provisions of the Minnesota Nonprofit <br />Corpo-ration Act, Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 317A.255. <br />7. Alcohol - An expenditure may not be made <br />for the purchase of any intoxicating liquor, <br />wine, or malt beverages. <br />8. Fundraising - An expenditure may not be <br />made for fundraising costs, except as <br />allowed for a 501(c)(3) organization or <br />501(c)(4) festival organization from its <br />general fund. <br />9. Other organizations - With few excep- <br />tions, gambling funds may not be contrib- <br />uted to other organizations or clubs such as <br />veterans, fraternal, Lions, etc. unless it is a <br />501(c)(3) organization. <br />10. Other contributions - A contribution may <br />not be made to a 501(c)(3) organization or <br />another entity with the intent or effect of <br />not complying with lawful purpose <br />restrictions or requirements. <br />Minnesota Gambling Control Board 2023 <br />