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<br />113 <br /> <br />Page #2 <br /> <br />~ <br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota, M<)ll(Iay, March 30, 1953. <br /> <br />.;:,-.r: <br /> <br />mail box in the Village. <br /> <br />The clerk was instructed to write letters to New Brighton <br />and to Mounds View informing them of the Council's action re: <br />mutual ~olicing agreements. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ludlow moved and WiCk seconded amotion that the police <br />officers be paid a salry of $100 per mo. (to include car allowf!nce <br />for the year 1953 - c~rried. <br /> <br />DeLange moved and LudlOW seconded a motion that Constables <br />Wasielewski and Salitros be appointed police Officers for the year <br />1953 - carried. <br /> <br />DeLange moved and Ludlow seconded a motion that new badges for <br />the police officers be purchased - c~rried. <br /> <br />After discussion in which Mack suggested that in the future <br />a special meeting be called for the approval of expenditures in- <br />volving large amounts of money, Ludlow moved and DeLange seconded <br />a motion approving the mayor's action in purchasing two-way radios <br />for the police cars _ carried. Mack suggested a letter or postal <br />card be sent to the residents of the Village informing them of the <br />new protection afforded by the use of the radios. It was also <br />suggested that the residents might be notified in like manner of <br />the designatin", of Schifsky'S as the Village Dunp. Mack moved and <br />Cummings seconded a motion that the clerk submit a possible <br />announcement cove:Hno: the above mentj~oned i tens at the next regular <br />meeting - carried. <br /> <br />After hearing an opinion from the Village Attorney that nothing <br />objectionable to the Village was contained in the resolution sub- <br />mitted to the Council by the Highway Dept. pertaining to the new <br />hi,o;hways to go throu!':h the Village, Ludlow moved and Mack seconded <br />a motion that the resolution be accepted - carried. <br /> <br />'rhe Justice of the .t'eace requested an ordinance be adopted making <br />the possession of malt liquor by a minor 8 misdemeanor - referred <br />to the co=ittee on Public Safety. The Justice of Peace also re- <br />r~ueEted a legal opinion on the destroying of records supplemental <br />to the docket. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A letter from George Salitros thanking the Village for sending <br />him to police school was read by the mayor. <br /> <br />The Village Attornecr report'Jd that letters had again been <br />written to violators of the buildinp; code. After discussi.on it <br />vms (lecided that the building ins1l6ctor should pay them one more <br />warninr: visit. <br />