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07-31-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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07-31-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION — JUNE 26, 2024 4 <br />Senior Planner Fransen summarized that staff could communicate with the Senior <br />Communications Coordinator about timing for featuring the EDC's in -person business visits in the <br />September or October Arden Hills Newsletter. <br />Commissioner Bonine asked the Commissioners to review the questions drafted for the in -person <br />visits and indicate if they would recommend changes. He mentioned that the subcommittee worked <br />on the questions together and taken in some feedback from staff to get the questions to their current <br />state. He shared that the intent behind the questions being asked was to increase visibility with the <br />businesses and to help the EDC identify allies for the EDC's work in the future. <br />Commissioner Murchie commented that he thought the questions were great. He asked about the <br />categories for the industries and if these would be detailed enough for sharing with the community. <br />Commissioner Gronquist commented that the subcommittee went back and forth on the <br />industries and had originally had a much longer list that was narrowed down to the ones shown. <br />A brief discussion ensued about how certain industries such as food services could be added. <br />Commissioner Jagoe shared that this question could be removed, and that Commissioners could <br />put in any value they like, leaving this type of information open ended. <br />There was general support among the Commissioners to remove this question and for <br />Commissioners to indicate an appropriate industry for the businesses they speak with. <br />Commissioner Murchie commented that he liked the question about owning or leasing space in <br />Arden Hills and asked about the intent behind this question. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe echoed this question, mentioning that most multi - <br />tenant development businesses lease the space from the owner of the development so it can be <br />identified who is or is not the owner of their business location. <br />Commissioner Gronquist mentioned that the idea was that businesses that own their space could <br />be more engaged and rooted within the community. <br />Commissioner Murchie commented that this question could be construed as intrusive by some <br />business representatives. <br />Commissioner Bonine added that he could see this being the case and that if there was a chance <br />of this being an issue the question could be removed. He mentioned that there had been previous <br />discussion about business licensing which is of interest to several commissioners but might not be <br />the right thing to bring up during an initial conversation where the EDC is being introduced. <br />Senior Planner Fransen mentioned that this question could also be removed and be something to <br />follow-up with the engaged "Allies" identified after the initial visits. Her understanding is that <br />there could be some distinctions between engagement from space leasers or owners and this could <br />be a future area of study for the EDC. <br />
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