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<br />4. ~ <br />~ <br /> <br />V III AGE 0 FAR 0 EN . Hill S <br /> <br />RAMSEY COUNTY <br />MINNESOTA <br /> <br />WALTER CUMiMINGS, Mayor <br />K. REX McCLUNG, Trustee <br />and Acting Mayor <br />B. J. DeLANGE, Trustee <br />WALTER T. MACK, Trustee <br /> <br />SEDRLEY D. LUDLOW, Clerk <br />1515 Edgewater- Ave. <br />. VUlage of Arden !B.H1s <br />St. Paul 8, Minn. .Phone: Pr. 2468 <br />WORTH G. READ, Treasurer <br /> <br />WherMS. the _tro'l>Ol1 tan Airport. 001IIIII1881011 haa betore 1tl the <br />_tter ot deYeloplng ud ezpaD<1ing tbe AIloka Oounty A1rport ill <br />preper!\Uon tor the ue thereot by mil1tary e.1l"oratt. 1DolucUng <br />jet powered oratt, an4 <br />~"U~., tbe Oounoil ot the VUlaRe 01' Arc1.n BU1. in a....' <br />COWlt", MiIUM.ot. bellev.. is .. lIlOtual pOBe1bUlty th.t <br />jet plan. operations weu14 b. seriously 4etl"iDl8ntal aDd hasaN- <br />OWl to' hOlRe, sohools. an4 ohuroh.. in ..14 ana, now!'ore <br />be lt <br />B..ol..4~ that thl. OOUll.i1 of the Vill838 ot Arde. 81118 re- <br />s~ottul1J' raquests the GOYernor 01' the state 01' II1U.80te. aDd <br />the Metropolitsn A1rport. Cf- t8.i08 to d.lay tlDal deoislon OD <br />sal4 all' ba&e Wltil April 26, 19'4 lD ONer tbat suburbeD res14ents <br />ba.- aD opportunity to .tudy the yarioustaotol"s involved aad to <br />pres.nt tlndings at a tuture h.aring 01' the Metropolltan <br />Airports Oommission to b. open to the public, <br />"..ed by the counoil thl. 30th day 01' Maroh 1954. <br /> <br />~~.~ <br />... .. ba.k <br />118.1'01' <br /> <br />.d"~,~~. ~~~~( <br />1'1.". _ <br />Olerk <br />