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08-05-2024 JDA Agenda Packet
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08-05-2024 JDA Agenda Packet
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8/5/2024 11:40:41 AM
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Commissioner Reinhardt appreciated how all three partners were working to spread the risk <br />out for this project in order to move it forward. She believed the City and County could not <br />figure out the options before receiving a proposal from Alatus. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson commented the County has had a verbal delivery from Alatus for a <br />month and the County won’t do anything unless it is in writing. She understood everything so <br />far has been a no from the County. She explained the City’s levy was only $6 million a year so <br />when considering risk and who could take risk, she indicated the City had a different tolerance <br />because they do not own the land. She indicated only the County could cover a $40 million gap. <br />She stated this was the reality. She hoped there would be a quicker turnaround for this project <br />going forward. She was frustrated with the fact this group has not met since April. She feared <br />that things were just spinning and nothing was moving forward. She understood this project <br />would be really hard to complete and that difficult conversations would have to be held. She <br />hoped this group could work through these conversations for the benefit of the development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt stated the County’s attorneys require things to be in writing and noted <br />the County has not just been saying no. She reported staff has been sitting down with Alatus <br />and maybe that is the message that has been received. She indicated if a verbal agreement has <br />been reached, the County then needs it in writing. She explained the County does not have $40 <br />million for this project. She anticipated all three parties would have to share in the solution to <br />the funding gap. She did not believe it was fair to assume the County could pick up the entire <br />funding gap. She indicated the County has an AAA bond rating and this was achieved because <br />the County was cautious with what it does. She stated the County could not overextend <br />anymore than the City could. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson commented on equity within the project. She reported if the County <br />wanted equitable participation from the City the County had to understand the City’s levy was <br />$6 million while the County’s levy was $800 million. She indicated the City may be able to <br />participate, but the percentage would be a drop in the bucket. While she understood the <br />County did not have $40 million, she believed it was disingenuous for the County to assume the <br />City could solve this problem when the City’s finances were on a completely different scale than <br />the County’s. <br /> <br />Mr. Kimmel explained the special assessment idea has been on the table since 2018 for the $15 <br />or $16 million was for the City. He indicated this funding would be used for neighborhood <br />infrastructure and not mass grading. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson stated she didn’t know anything about this. <br /> <br />Director Perrault indicated the Council did receive an update on the neighborhood <br />infrastructure, but reported the City was waiting for a written piece on this. He indicated the <br />special assessments were not proposed for the $40 million funding gap. <br />
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