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<br />178 <br /> <br />~ihe i;;t tent:i.on of the COi.4"1.cil ,,"B.~, C~ to the ff.ct tlirt tbe Lous€ ()e(~upied by <br /> <br />?..!eliI1~ presently violc-.ted the ~lroV'isiQnE of thE- B'.:ild_L.1.g Code t:::S [:d..()!-~ted .by Jrd.en <br /> <br />Hil1~. rmrticul<:=:rily the provi!':',ion relnting to the ~et-bHck line, e,nd i,n f<dd1tion <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />thereto MEline.. hnd mf~ke TIlP.teriC'l 21te:tf'tione to the builCLing ,.'ithout r building <br /> <br />rermit. loJ,lo\.'ing fl-::.rther discu~sion of the hf:'.rdEbin !,hich "_'QuId result if <br /> <br />~'{elint:l 'd"T€ forceo. to tF.FT dO".<n the F',ciuition. upon motion duly mpdet secondeclt <br /> <br />fna. UlKnimously cP,rriedl 1 t t'p,S resolved. thrt in vieR of the hprd~hip s1 tuption <br /> <br />the Council ",-p.ives the violFtions of the BuiJding Code C';' it "pre~en.tly exists <br /> <br />~n the -r:ro})erty ~;repently ~'(nf:d by \iicI:.?€l Ku~hi:r~ski p;.nd Jos€'l)hine KUctin~-ki, <br /> <br />husb~rHi nnc.. ~,dfe, \,-'hich :rropel't;v if~ the sub.ject of [ Cantrnct for Deed c.pted <br /> <br />ZXX I, 1953, irt l,r-deh .:E()be:;t HeJ..inp p,no.. ISP.oelJ.e >teJine, :husband ~'1nc. ";:.fet <br /> <br />f;,re the vend.eEs, v.ftich contr~ct conCErns the fol1o,"ing QE-scribed TJroperty n <br /> <br />RaHlsey County, to-\,.' it: <br /> <br />']'he Borth 107.21 ;ged of n,e Weet ~o6.J fe"t of the SoutLI-'Ht qw<rter( swi) <br /> <br />of the Horthv,eE:t C1u::Tter (NW~~) of Section 21t IPO\~'nshiT' JO r::~::'th, RB.nge 2] <br />i1€st, ;,cub,je(jt to C-levele.nci J,venuB,Rr:msey County, Min~:lesot2-". <br /> <br />~B.i<i \,"p,ivert hal-lever, is conci.itioned. U"r)on },~elinf:"s E'~-;re€'~entt <br /> <br />on behFlf of hirlself eno. his un a.sE-igns or vendees, to refre-in from <br /> <br />any further enlLr{;ement of this building oonlese 2 pPl'mi t therefor is grn!lted by <br /> <br />the E'ction lbf tl"_e Council. Be it further rE'solved, thEt hobert Meline pnc.. I~.;?belle <br /> <br />Nelina. sl:ell end.orse th*ir f'SE.ents tlT)On P. certified co:"p: of this Resolution, <br /> <br />2nd s8id MUm certified. co"()~' sh.~l1 then be recoreed vith the !l[ Register of <br /> <br />Deeds of Bt:'illS€Jr CDunty. ;-.-i~Clung i1nvect FUn. DeLro.nEe ~fcond.ed the Flot1on thnt the <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />reeD lution be n.(io:pted~ l/otion 1)FSSf'U. <br /> <br />The fire contrp.ctr "'ere given clerk for 11riling. <br /> <br />Hp,:lor P named the nelt: comni ttee8 for 1955. <br /> <br />Stromc-c.i st l:~reeenteD. clFirr:s for J:.:nuary to Council for t'''P}:I'ovn.l... DeLr:,nge <br /> <br />:noveu c-wi Stromaui$.t seconded the notion thRt CIEi,ms 549 thru 560 be raid. <br />