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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—AUGUST 12, 2024 10 <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the trail is only 750 feet long. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said he was pretty sure, it's definitely <br /> less than 1,000 feet and the one on Hamline is even shorter,being 450-500 feet. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if retaining walls would be needed. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said he would have to visit the site <br /> again to be certain but there is a ditch there so there will be some storm water improvements. <br /> Mayor Grant thought the estimated cost could be increased since we're in such a preliminary <br /> stage. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen agreed it is very early but the,said he <br /> thinks $400,000 total, including the 50150 split with the county is a safe estimate. <br /> Councilmember Monson said if the Minnesota 51 Trail connection will be $880,000 in our <br /> budget would be a good use of that money to go to these other trails in 2026. Even if the $100,000 <br /> and $200,000 city portion is low, hopefully that balances. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen pointed out that $300,000 of that <br /> number was anticipated to come from grants. So direct city funds would be $580,000. <br /> Councilmember Holden said that if we go in and ask for TCAAP money, it will be really hard to <br /> ask for $1 million somewhere else. She said the county needs to get the money for Lake Johanna. <br /> If they give the money to the city instead of the county, it plays against other options. She thought <br /> if we are asking for TCAAP money, there should only be one other project in 2025. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen plans to complete a condition <br /> assessment on utilities that cross Highway 51 to determine if replacement should be planned in <br /> 2026 in conjunction with the state's project. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked approximately how old the utilities are. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said they are around 50 years old but <br /> made with good material. He is unsure if the casing around them was extended when the highway <br /> was extended at the same time. He plans to explore that this fall. <br /> Councilmember Holden said that would be a good ask from MNDOT because they are redoing <br /> the road. Similar to how the City got money for 35W. <br /> Mayor Grant was present when they were doing the televising of that crossing. He reported what <br /> he saw and wondered what was needed in that area. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen stated he spoke to Councilmember <br /> Holden regarding making sure utilities are replaced when we build a new road or trail. In 2026 or <br /> 2027, he will be doing a condition assessment of the water main that runs along Lake Johanna <br /> Boulevard. There have been recent and more frequent breaks there. He said that is the method we <br /> used for the roundabout by going after the GO bond funds to get that funded and replaced. <br />