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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—AUGUST 12, 2024 3 <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if currently there is 3% gap between every single step. Tessia <br /> Melvin confirmed. Councilmember Holden stated if a cost of living increase was implemented <br /> for someone who was not at the max, there would be additional cost because they would also get <br /> an extra step. She wondered if that was included in the calculations. <br /> Tessia Melvin confirmed the total cost does include the 3% cost of living increase and <br /> implementation into the step cost. <br /> Councilmember Monson wondered if information was available regarding how many current <br /> positions would be maxed out in 2025, 2026 and 2027. <br /> Tessia Melvin replied ten, currently. She said they would get the adjustment but no additional <br /> step. There would be other movement as others max out but she would have to look up and didn't <br /> have the information available. <br /> Councilmember Holden thought in comparison to other cities, Arden Hills is at 100%. She <br /> wondered how often the study needs to be completed. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe believed it was every three years. <br /> Tessia Melvin confirmed it is mandated by the state to complete pay equity every three years. <br /> She said it is recommended that you look at the market every three years, as well, because it <br /> changes. She confirmed Councilmember Holden's statement that Arden Hills is at the average <br /> and its fine to stay there if that is the pay philosophy of the City. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked staff where they see Arden Hills needing compensation <br /> increase. She wondered if it was to recruit new hires or if it was for retention of current staff. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe stated she believed it is both. It would be a tool to bring new <br /> people in when a position is posted but is also equally important for retention of current <br /> employees. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau wondered if it could be maneuvered around to include a 2% increase <br /> for entry level staff and adding 3% on the maximum. She wondered how that might land. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe stated the negotiation usually includes an offer at the entry <br /> level steps. These increases could serve as an attractant for new hires. For current employees who <br /> might be maxed out, adding one or two steps will know they have movement vs. adding one <br /> increase and now they're still at the max. <br /> Councilmember Fabel asked if the total cost figures included just year one. <br /> Tessia Melvin confirmed that it is for 2025 and just includes the wage adjustment. It does not <br /> include PERA or taxes. This includes the cost of living adjustment, moving into the option chosen <br /> and any predicted step movement for 2025. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated we are a small city and said we'll never be able to compete with <br /> the larger cities. She is not happy with the cost of living being 3%. She thinks it should be higher. <br />
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