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Name: Change Order 1 Recommendation <br />Date: August 6, 2024 <br />Page: 2 <br />Decision — Discussing the options with City Staff, Option 3, cement stabilization was selected to solve <br />this challenge. <br />Conclusion — The cement stabilization has been completed, and first lift of pavement was paved with the <br />grade holding up well. The final cost was slightly higher than estimated due to more cement material <br />needed and more hours from S.M. Hentges supporting the cement stabilization effort with equipment <br />and labor. The final total cost for Change Order No. 1 is $40,903.03 <br />Please request Change Order No. 1 approval from the Mayor and Council at the August 12, 2024 Council <br />Meeting. If approved, please execute Change Order 1. It has been included with Payment Application 3, <br />which is scheduled to be on the same City Council agenda for consideration. <br />Please call if you have any questions regarding this recommendation or the enclosed pay application. <br />Sincerely, <br />Ryan Peterson, P.E. <br />Senior Project Engineer <br />Enclosures — Change Order Supporting Documentation <br />H:\ARDH\OT1130168\7-Construction\D-PayApplications\Payment 3 including C01\Change Order 1\Change Order 1 Recommendation.docx <br />Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. <br />