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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JULY 8, 2024 7 <br />Councilmember Holden reported she understood the County did not receive any funding for <br />Lake Johanna Boulevard. She requested staff send a formal letter to Ramsey County asking how <br />they would be addressing the speed of traffic along this roadway. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen explained he has met with the County <br />regarding this matter and requested a memo. <br />Councilmember Holden supported the City Council sending a letter to the County requesting an <br />answer since staff was not having any luck. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the Council could support the City sending a letter to the County. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated he did not want this to become a political issue. He suggested a <br />representative from the Sheriff's Office be asked to attend an upcoming worksession. <br />Councilmember Holden reported the Sheriff's Office has been brought in to attend meetings and <br />she understood they were handing out citations. But until bollards or some other measures were <br />taken, the speed of traffic would continue to be a concern along Lake Johanna Boulevard. She <br />indicated this was not a political issue, but rather was a safety matter that the County should be <br />following up on. <br />Councilmember Rousseau stated she would like to know what the timeline was for the County <br />to implement these suggestions. She indicated she was also concerned that the County <br />representative would not be available for the next five months. <br />Mayor Grant reported the County stated if they did not get funding, they had some ideas to <br />minimize speed on Lake Johanna Boulevard. He indicated the County did not receive funding and <br />he wanted to learn more about the County's ideas and when they can be implemented in order to <br />improve safety along this corridor. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen explained following the meeting staff had <br />with the County, he understood the County wanted to be thoughtful in drafting their memo <br />because they would be implementing practices that were not typically done on County roadways. <br />He noted he would be meeting with Ramsey County again on Wednesday and he could ask again <br />on the memo. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated she asked for an update from the County six weeks ago. <br />Mayor Grant requested staff make the County aware this matter came up at a City Council <br />meeting and explain that the Council was concerned about traffic safety along Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if sheds were supposed to be 10 feet from lot lines. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reported this was the case. <br />Councilmember Holden reported she also attended the League of Minnesota Cities Annual <br />Conference where she spoke with former City Administrator Michelle Wolfe. <br />