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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JULY 22, 2024 2 <br />2. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />None. <br />3. AGENDA ITEMS <br />A. AUAR Update <br />Rachel Haase, Kimley Horn, stated the 2024 TCAAP AUAR Update was published in the EQB <br />Monitor May 14, 2024 and comments were accepted through May 29, 2024. She explained she <br />received two comments, one from the Metropolitan Council and the other from the Minnesota <br />DNR. She reviewed the comments in further detail noting these comments have been responded <br />to and incorporated into the AUAR Update. <br />Councilmember Fabel commented on the increased density within the TCAAP development, <br />noting the development could have up to 1,960 residential units. He questioned if the zoning <br />scenarios properly reflected the development that could occur within the development. <br />Ms. Haase reported the intent of the AUAR scenarios are to set a minimum and maximum <br />threshold rather than study a specific proposal. She indicated the zoning scenario reflects the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan and the maximum development scenario is greater than what is allowed by <br />the current Comprehensive Plan. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated he believed the development range was confusing within the <br />AUAR. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if the rusty patch bumblebee was addressed by the DNR. <br />Ms. Haase reported this was a species of concern for the DNR and was addressed in their <br />comment letter. She explained mitigation measures were written into the AUAR Update for the <br />rusty patch bumblebee. <br />Mayor Grant inquired what an avoidance plan would look like for the blanding turtle. <br />Ms. Haase explained this was something new from the DNR and would be worked out with the <br />DNR. <br />Councilmember Holden commented on the amount of daily trips that Costco could generate. <br />She questioned if this was taken into consideration within the AUAR. <br />Jacob Rojer, Kimley Horn, described the traffic categories that were included within the AUAR <br />in order to take into account a Costco. <br />Councilmember Holden asked what the process would be for the AUAR. <br />Mayor Grant reported the AUAR would have to be accepted at a future City Council meeting. <br />City Administrator Perrault stated pending no other questions, this item would be brought back <br />to the City Council on the August 12 Consent Agenda. <br />