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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JULY 22, 2024 7 <br />City Administrator Perrault commented he would be advising on Rice Creek Commons and <br />several projects that were still outstanding, such as the recycling RFP. He anticipated he would be <br />consulting about eight hours per week, which led to the 32 hours per month. <br />Councilmember Monson inquired if staff supported the 32 hours per month. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe explained she has not yet discussed the outstanding <br />projects at great length with City Administrator Perrault. She understood there were several <br />outstanding projects that he would like to finish up and she was cautionary about putting a max on <br />this because she did not know what questions may come up. She suggested a cap be set with a <br />buffer of X hours be allowed at the consent of the Interim City Administrator. <br />Councilmember Monson supported the contract remain as is given the fact 32 hours may not be <br />the proper cap. <br />Councilmember Rousseau recommended a cap not be set on the contract. She wanted staff to be <br />able to access an additional support if necessary. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she liked the hours being capped because she wanted to respect <br />Mr. Perrault's time. She indicated Mr. Perrault was transitioning into a new career, he had a <br />family to take care of and noted the Council could amend the contract at any point in the future if <br />staff was seeing a greater need for consulting services. <br />Mayor Grant requested a roll call vote regarding the motion to cap the hours at 32. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The amendment failed 2-3 (Councilmembers <br />Fabel, Monson and Rousseau opposed). <br />Councilmember Fabel stated the Personnel Committee also discussed travel time for the City <br />Administrator. He recommended the language be amended in Item 3 to clarify the City <br />Administrator will not be paid for his time traveling to City Hall. <br />AMENDMENT: Councilmember Fabel moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br />motion to amend Item 3 stating the City Administrator will not be paid <br />for time traveling to City Hall. <br />Councilmember Monson stated it appears the Personnel Committee previously discussed this <br />matter. <br />City Administrator Perrault clarified that his time traveling to City Hall is not being paid, but <br />the mileage amount would be paid. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if City Administrator Perrault would be paid to drive to the <br />Ramsey County Library, for example, for a meeting. She asked for clarification from the City <br />Attorney on how this language should be phrased. <br />City Attorney Bjerkness explained the intent of the language was to make clear he would be <br />able to get mileage reimbursement to any meeting on behalf of the City but he would not be <br />getting his hourly rate for travel time. <br />