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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JULY 8, 2024 2 <br />voted to approve the projects as proposed and move it to the City Council for discussion and <br />further direction. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported on April 22, GRG gave a <br />presentation for the full project proposal and background. Council direction was to bring back <br />estimated costs for long-term maintenance needs and exact minimum City cash match <br />requirements and an example of a Natural Resource Management Plan. The estimated <br />maintenance needs costs and cash match requirements were reviewed with the Council. The <br />example Natural Resource Management Plan was sent to Council for review prior to the meeting. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen explained GRG notes that volunteer labor <br />cannot be counted towards in -kind City match, in previous discussions it was believed that it <br />could be. Examples of in -kind City labor or contracted services are, but are not limited to, staff <br />time or Arden Hills contracted activities that accomplish a management task within the acres of <br />the project that is required for the completion of the project which otherwise would have been <br />paid for by the grant, such as prairie mowing or woody material removal or disposal. Council <br />should keep in mind when this project was first introduced, it was under the assumption that <br />Public Works would be involved very minimally or not at all during the actual remediation <br />process but would need to plan for the long-term maintenance. If it is Council direction to utilize <br />Public Works as in -kind labor match during remediation, staff will need to schedule this work <br />within the annual Public Works Maintenance Plan and will likely cause more items to be <br />backlogged for repair or maintenance. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen indicated long-term maintenance of the <br />26.03 acres will increase the annual maintenance and operations budget. GRG has provided an <br />estimate for each project site over a span of the first 5 years, the actual amount is not known at <br />this time. If all project sites are approved and completed, the estimated maintenance costs would <br />be $12,830 per year on average or $64,150 total over 5 years. The required activities for long- <br />term maintenance is beyond the Public Works Department's current standard procedures. Public <br />Works staff also believes that in order to adequately manage this program, it should be by a <br />person specialized in natural resources. Arden Hills does not currently have a position specifically <br />for natural resources. <br />Becca Tucker, GRG, stated she met previously with the Council to discuss potential projects. She <br />explained after that meeting she met with City staff to address questions that were brought up. <br />She indicated the dollar match for the projects was discussed, along with the budgets for future <br />park management. She asked if the Council had any further questions. <br />Mayor Grant stated it was his understanding the maintenance agreement would remain in place <br />for 10 years. <br />Todd Rexine reported this was the case, noting the maintenance agreement would run for 10 <br />years after the grant was done. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if the maintenance agreement was part of the contract with GRG. <br />Mr. Rexine stated the City would have to maintain the property in good faith at the same level, <br />with buckthorn removed for 10 years. <br />