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<br />205 <br /> <br />FCBLIC j.,'EL},':IRJi) CON!'iI'rTEE: The Planning Committee would like plans for the <br />buildings on the Zilliox property lUlowing what the builder is bUilding, and how <br />located On the lot. T"ne committee felt construction on the plat should be stopped <br />until h permit is issued by Council voteo Mr. Owen stated the permit had already <br />been issued. Ma~or AshbG~ch suggested that flr. O~'1lB tell t,lr. Husby tha.t thfl permit <br />~;as erronously issued, and that construction be stopped. a,nd thl'.t Mr. Husb~' turn in a <br />,ietailed buildir.g pJ,8,n to the Council. Dr. Hoyt ,noved ano. l'lr. DeLe.nge seconded tne <br />motion construction be stopped until the Council has a detailed plan of the buildir~o <br />Notion 'T)&.ssed. <br />Cotmcil. gave prelIminary approval for the platti!1{; of Jos. Hills #3 PIp-t. <br />.Dr. Hoyt presented t'le Coul'lcil ",ith five photostl',t copies of the Arden Hills so. !'ing <br />ap showi!'-€; latest results of study of the proposed sordng 1'01' the village into land <br />uses. A proposed zoning ordi:~=ce ~re,s also l,resented to Cou~ncil for study, 1,1i th a he~ring <br />to be held on both e~ter Oouncil study. !~yor Aehb2ch stated he would Jroake extra copies <br />of the map and the proposed ordinance, and sUPI,ly all Village Officers >cith a copy. <br />Publication of the map ",ill be ~r1thh"J.d until the Council nas studied it. <br /> <br />)'[AYOR'S REPOItT: l'!ayor Ashbar;l, stated that ~!e "",st act h the near futul'e regarc1ir-{; the <br />sewer survey if1re plan to hook up with Roseville at some future dateo <br />Mr. Ashoach repo!"ted the.t he !llld the clerk hac ?eain talked v,i th the Ordinance Dept. <br />of the Twin Cities A"sena.l regardL'l€ the pocsibility of a hook-nIl ~,i tb the ~Tsenal <br />se~Ter, bttt the a.rsena:.. cfficials'(i there ",::~.1 r,Q pos~dbility. <br />A let1;eI' from Hr. Oarle;" wa. reed by Hr. DeLange a.tJdI:Ebt dating that t;,e grading <br />of the streets Ll Shore~lo"d Hills h"'-s been done according to specifications. ,After <br />Council c'scussion, Jt Was requested that the clerk wri te to the Sau"rs Co. <br />them of the HQeement to have the streets of Shcre~rood HUls completed by Nov. 1, 1955. <br /> <br />OLThlK'S REPORT: Mrs. Stromquist reported t;'l't the letters the Council requested I"ritten <br />to Mr. '.Iiske and Dr. 1nger80n were ser,t. There has beer" no reply from Hr. Miske. Dr. <br />Ingerson called clerk and s[,id the spur rOI,ds in Jos. Hills #2 Nill be completed as <br />agreed un the plat plan. <br />The clerk reported tlc,e ne~' Village !4["ilual \:ill soon be availa,l1le from \'la.lter Booth Co. <br />for $4.50 per copy. L~ " Hoyt moved and Hr. DeLange seco~ded the motion we order t~m <br />'~'o:oies. on for the Attorney o,nd or.e for the Clerko Hotion I,assed. <br />lie:. Duplicate dog t8.€;s, e.:fter Council discussion, it \-le.s decided to iBuue reg'l}:lar tog <br />tags for du:plicatec "J. so. <br /> <br />ATTOn,3Y'S RECRT: "I'. Oourtney presented Council >lith a Lie. Ordino.!lce for food, <br />food products, soft 6.ri llks , cigarettes anel cigarette wrapI ers, and vendillg machines. <br />lJr. Ho;y>t moved end. Hr. DeLange seconded t he lJot;.on ~~, odopt the above mentic'led <br />ordine,nces, and consider the first re.:.:.cJ-rg. ~"{otion ps.ssed. <br /> <br />Olaims for August, 1955 were nresented, <br />motior. Cleims 661 thru 679 benaid ~li th <br />Mction passed. <br /> <br />Hr. 1-1cClung moved end. ?-fr. DeLFtllge toecon6.ed the <br />the exception of Claim # 674 which was voided. <br /> <br />.ueeting was adjourned at 10:36 PoH. <br /> <br />/'---7 <br />J;;:6<5I~,; (i. {j/-z,C2.... <br />ROETId' O. ASID3..a~OH, liR;y.or <br /> <br />LO:-UUi1A:S E. STROHflU ST, Clerk <br />