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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 22, 2024 11 <br /> explained the only time the fire truck would be turning to the south on Pine Tree was if there was <br /> a fire in those neighborhoods. <br /> Councilmember Monson stated the two biggest pieces the Planning Commission discussed were <br /> the trees and the park dedication fee waiver. She indicated the discussion was taxpayer money <br /> would be used for the fire station. She commented on how the Fire Board supported waiving the <br /> park dedication fee to ensure costs would be kept down for taxpayers. She explained the 300 <br /> caliper inches was a compromise from the Planning Commission and noted it appears the park <br /> dedication fee should have been paid by Bethel University. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reported park dedication fees were to be paid as part <br /> of a future development process. She indicated she was not with the City when this parcel was <br /> split off from the Bethel property. She commented further on the formula that was followed park <br /> dedication fee noting the rate varies depending on the type of development that is pursued. She <br /> believed the park dedication fee was tied to the future of the lots, because the future development <br /> was uncertain. <br /> Councilmember Monson explained a fire station was a public use. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented when the fire department was looking at buying it and <br /> Bethel was looking at selling, the City did not want the additional burden of a park dedication fee <br /> to be transferred to the sale of this property. She indicated this would have added to the taxpayer <br /> burden. She stated if the fire department were to build on this property, the park dedication fee <br /> would be waived, but if the property were to be developed commercial, a park dedication fee <br /> could still be collected. She was of the opinion there was a lot of misinformation at the Planning <br /> Commission meeting. She noted the trails on this site were owned by Bethel and they gave the <br /> City the right to use these trails. She stated that at any moment in time, Bethel could tell the City <br /> that no one can walk the trails because the City does not own them. She pointed out that the <br /> building the Fire Department is in right now, Arden Hills isn't paying anything. She said <br /> Shoreview owns the building, they allow the Fire Department to use it and Arden Hills does not <br /> pay rent. She did not understand why the Planning Commission was intent on sticking it to <br /> Shoreview and North Oaks for the park dedication fee and trees. She supported giving up the park <br /> dedication fee given how Shoreview has donated a fire station building for years that has served <br /> Arden Hills' residents. <br /> Mayor Grant stated he supported the proposed criteria within the conditional use permit and the <br /> design materials. In addition, he supported the setback variances and the 117 foot driveway. He <br /> indicated he would like to see more trees on the site, but he anticipated the site had as much <br /> landscaping as was possible given the amount of impervious surface on the property. He stated he <br /> supported the signage and noted he could support waiving the park dedication fee. He reported he <br /> supported the application with conditions. <br /> Councilmember Monson commented she did not believe the conversation at the Planning <br /> Commission involved sticking it to anyone. Rather the intent was to provide additional benefit to <br /> the City. She explained she supported withholding the park dedication fee. She asked if the Mayor <br /> supported Condition 19. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated he supported allowing the applicant to plant the proposed 48 caliper <br /> inches. <br />