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<br />230 <br />FIl~E COMMITTEE: Mrs. Stromquist reported a balance in the tre~sury of $17,641.22. <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: Mr. Weber presented the fire report for March, 1956. <br />He also reported on the teen age incident at Sucker Creek, and the fine cooperation <br />between the various police departments in controlling it. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTF.E: Mr. DeLange reported that the village roads have been bladed. <br />An order is to be placed with the county for street oiling. The load limit signs <br />are to be removed the same de1" that the county restrictions are removed. <br />Mr. Coates requested that a street light be placed on Tiller Lane. <br />Mr. DeLange moved and Mr. McClung seconded the motion that a letter be sent to Mrs. <br />Blank thanking her for thp arc light on SnPlling AveIlll.e and Highway 100. Motion <br />passed. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WELFABE COMMITTEE: Dr. Hoyt reporhd that thp zoning ordinance is to bp <br />presented to Council at the next mepti,~. <br />The Planning Board will give recommendations for Shorewood Hills 6 at thp next <br />meeting. <br /> <br />MAYOR'S llJ!lPORT: Mounds View Town Board called a meeting of officials of Ramsey <br />County suburbs to discuss the dump problem M~ 18 at 8:00 P.M. at the hall. <br /> <br />The sewer hooJr...up l'.,.th Roseville was discussed. Bids were let in Ros..ville. The <br />cost to Arden Hills to increase the spw..r lines of the first section of the Roseville <br />sewer would bp approxiJbately $25,000.00, which would include the additional charge <br />levied by the City of St. Pa~. <br /> <br />CLERK'S REPORT: The letter from Mr. in regard to the two narrow lots in <br />Josephine Park Plat was referred to Mr. Courtney. Attorney was requested to write <br />to Mr. Friedman to ask him to come to the next mMl;ing of the Council. <br /> <br />Upon motion by HOJlt and seconded by MCClung, and passed by the Council the Clerk <br />was authorized to purchas", an adding machine. <br /> <br />Mr. Courtn",y, Village Attorney presented a l",tt..r to be sent by Clerk to Mr. Bribble <br />in regard to Art's Place. Vie WebE'x, Police CheU report",d that the Bldg is inf'ect",d <br />with rats. - <br /> <br />Mr. Chandler, Mounds View Town Board~ meoting with our Council ~ 12, 1956 <br />at 9:00 A.M. to discuss the joint use of th", village hall. <br /> <br />Olaims 808 thru 822 Were read by th", Clerk and approved by the Council. <br /> <br />Tb.", meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~. <br />..' .~/~J~ <br />ROBERT O. ASHBACH <br />MAYOR <br /> <br />'ic~ z:,~ <br />,LORRAINE E. STRO~UIST <br />CLERK <br />