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CC 06-15-1956
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 06-15-1956
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<br />237 <br /> <br />MINU!l!ES or SPECIAL MEETING <br />ComroIL OF TBJI1 VILLAGE OF .ARDEN BILLS <br />l'ridq, June 15. 1956 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Ma3'or Ashbach <br />Roll Calli Present Ashbach, McClung. HeTt. Stromquist <br />Tarc4"-DeIoange <br />Mrs. Daley, 3673 No. Hamline Ave. requested a license for her Clog kennel. V11lage <br />Attorlle7' Mr. Courtney informed the Oouncil that neither a kennel license nor a special <br />permit can be granted under our ordinance as the land is zoned farm residence. After <br />Council discussion Hoyt moved and McClung seconded the motion that we reZone the Daley <br />. property to Ind:u.strial and issue a permit for kennel operation which ,,'ill be in effect <br />while Mrs. Daley lIW11S the property and operates the kennel, with a ppubl1c hearing on the <br />rezoniJJg to .be held July 2. 1956 at 8:00 P.M. at the village hall. Mction passed. <br />Mrs. Da.ley was instructed to furnish Clerk with legal description and address of the <br />property. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Dr. Hoyt BmlOunced an". open meeting on the Zoning Ordinance to be held July 2, 1956 at <br />8:00 P.M. at th~e village hall. <br /> <br />Mr. DeLluli;e arrived at the meetiJJg at this time. <br />Mr. Ashbach announced that a group of residents belong1JJg to a cHesens committee had <br />requested that he call for a re-election on the $300,000.000 sewer bond issue. The <br />group's chairman. Mr. HilDis. gave a review of th!!l sewage situaticn and requested the <br />re-election. Mr. HilDis _ presented petitions signed by 251 residents statiJJg that ~ <br />people were DB not peoperly informed of the problem prior to the election and also that <br />Ill8.lV voters who were in favor of the bond 18l1le did not vote at the election. <br />Mr. McClung, Trustee stated that he felt that the $300.000.00 bond issue had been a <br />mistake as at our present valuation only $250.000.90 wo:llJlh of \Jonds can be legally <br />issued. and 18l1ling too IIII.1Ch at the presept time would tend to make us a poor credit <br />risk. and cost us an unusually high interest rate on the bonds. Mr. McClung 8UQ;ested <br />a new wlection on $16.000.00 or the amount needed at the present tHle to inlllU'e us of <br />a future sewer outlet thru Roseville. He also stated that in our contract with <br />Hoseville we should have a perpetual right granted for a marketable sewage capacity thru <br />their system. beC8l1se if the 'l'w1n Cities Arsenal ever reverts to private industry we <br />would have control of that sewer system and m1ght find that we had more capacity than <br />needed for Arden Hills alone.. With the salahle right thru Roseville, we could recover <br />our investment. Mr. McClung SUggested that agreements for maintenance and equipment <br />could b" worked out with Roseville for the second phase of their system With the possibility <br />of different arrangements beiJJg made. such as the fDrmation of sewer districts. Mr. <br />Ashbach stated that every effort Will be made to reach a satisfactory contract with <br />Hoseville. Mr. Ashbach stated that the additional $10,200.00ocost to St. Paul might <br />also be needed to ~ st. Paul at this time. and pojlsibly should be added to thl'l $16,000.00 <br />to cover that cost. <br />After Council discussion Hoyt moved and DeLange seconded the motion that we set a new <br />election fequesting Council anthority to iS8l1e $30,000.00 worth of vq bonds to set up <br />the first phas" with HoseVille. and to set the !!llection at the earliest possible date. <br />Upon roll call vote the motion was passed unaaimously. <br />Hoyt moved and McClung seconded the motion that we set a new election at the village <br />hall for June 28, 1956 from 1:00 to !:OO P.I~. using th" same election board that sell'Ved <br />in tha last election. Motion passed. <br /> <br />McClung moved and Stromquist seconded the motion that a public hearing be set for June <br />25. 1956 to inf~ the voters of the 18l1le. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.~l. <br /> <br />~"~~ <br /> <br />ROBERTO.ASHBACH. MAYOH <br /> <br />:f~.-.. f: ~ <br />LOllRAIml E. S'l'RO~UIST.C <br />
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