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OUR EMPLOYEES-WE NEEDED TO CHANGE FROM A CENTRALIZED <br /> ENGINEERS, TO A CUSTOMER-ORIENTED, END-USER MENTALITY." <br /> suring that its mainframes could communicate so much momentum in that area...."Ousley ad- myriad of businesses that William Norris had <br /> with mainframes from other manufacturers— mits."Politics aside,Clinton and Gore really tried to foster under the Control Data umbrel- <br /> led Minneapolis-based Honeywell to contract took the idea of an information superhighway la."In reality.I've been with LO companies <br /> with CDS to provide a global electronic mail to heart.and the marketplace is responding." within Control Data,"says Ousley. <br /> and messaging system."If you had polled the "1 think that it will end up being one good Today,it's rare that a 26-year employee of a <br /> team [planning the electronic-messaging sys- market for CDS to be in—but to maintain high-tech company would find himself in the <br /> tem) when we put out requests for proposals, their current revenues,they can't focus just on position of a Jim Ouster trying to turn around <br /> Control Data Systems would not have been that,"says Jeff Canin,an analyst with Salomon the company where he's spent his entire pro- <br /> one of the companies that they felt could do Brothers in San Francisco."If they can extend fessional life.In other situations,firms like <br /> the job."says Bill McGarry,Honeywell's man- that to other sectors, they can do quite well. IBM,DEC and Compaq found it necessary to <br /> ager of central information services.-Now that [Electronic messaging)as a model to follow is a bring in new personnel after the veteran em- <br /> work on the system is underway,we've been good one." ployees could not get the job done. <br /> very impressed with Control Data:They're CDS doesn't have the field to itself,however: Ousley readily acknowledges that his position <br /> been very responsive,and the product has competition from such companies as the inexpe- is unusual,yet he's clearly not worried about it. <br /> . worked as advertised." rienced but eager Baby Bells will appear with Ousley doesn't envision spending the rest of his <br /> The product is connectivity for 36.000 Hon- increasing frequency in the future.Within the life at CDS."I'm committed to three to five <br /> eywell workers scattered around the globe in larger system-integration field.CDS's competi- more years here—past that.I would say I'm not <br /> more than 90 countries. In addition.Control tion includes Electronic Data Systems.Arthur central to the formula."he says."I don't see <br /> Data Systems'designers have built in full con- Andersen.IBM,Hewlett-Packard and DEC. myself being around here when I'm 65." <br /> nectivity to the Internet.The task includes ty- 'The good news is that there's no single large If there is a Control Data Systems when he's <br /> ing together 22 different messaging systems competitor or two."Canin says."The bad news 65. With so much cash and an undervalued <br /> from various vendors,running on many differ- is that there's a ton of smaller competitors.I stock's surprising that CDS isn't the <br /> eat hardware and software platforms. don't see CDS rising to the top of the heap,but target of some corporate raider,a fact of which <br /> Another part of the system is the communi- they can get a good amount of business." Ousley is all too aware:"i don't lose any sleep <br /> cations protocol X500 technology:rather than over someone coming in and selling the assets. <br /> being a specific computer program,X500 is but that's obviously an issue."Adds Morrison: <br /> similar to a standard like ISO 9000.Creating a hether the 48-year-old Jim Ous- "I certainly wouldn't rule out[a takeover). <br /> common directory of employees with X500 ley is the man to oversee yet anoth- This is a half-a-billion-dollar company with S60 <br /> technology is a monumental task when string- er restructuring(a favored strategy million to 70 million in assets and potentially <br /> ing together so many disparate common sys- to placate stockholders at the old Con- some hidden assets." <br /> terns.and in this embryonic field CDS has ex- trot Data the way)is a matter Morrison rates CDS as a"buy"(at least for <br /> perience with projects at University of Oregon. of some debate in the investment community. 1995).as does Salomon's Canin."There's not a <br /> Unilever and the University of Minnesota. Experience,usually so treasured in leadership lot of downside in what I see as the worst-case <br /> "That's been one of the keys to the system— circles-actually becomes a liability as a compa- scenario." Morrison says. "I'm convinced <br /> we felt that they supported the X500 imple- ny tries to change directions. there's a growing,viable company within Con- <br /> mentations better than other firms bidding on "Control Data needs to gain more investor trol Data." <br /> the project."McGarry says.'They have deliv- confidence in management."Kinnard's Morn- In the Twin Cities,even casual observers of <br /> ered on what they said they could." son says."They have yet to prove themselves Control Data Corporation and Control Data <br /> The Honeywell contract also stands out be- as an independent entity,and there are some Systems have been exposed to every bit of bad <br /> cause.instead of paying CDS to install hard- people cautiously looking at this management news possible:layoffs.failed ventures,consis- <br /> ware. Honeywell has contracted CDS to ad- team and saying,these guys grew up with Con- tently lowered shutdowns of <br /> minister the network on an ongoing basis. In trol Data,and do they have what it takes to subsidiaries.That reputation.however.doesn't <br /> fact. most of the system's hardware is being make it in the real world? necessarily extend outside the state."Oddly <br /> purchased by Honeywell through other chan- "That's hanging over Control Data: Is Ous- enough, their reputation among their cus- <br /> nels. McGarry says it's the best business ley and this management team the right tomers is better than among stockholders." <br /> arrangement for Honeywell."This is a chang- group?" Canin says."The Control Data name carries <br /> ing and volatile environment."McGarry says. in many ways.Ousley epitomizes the Con- good will—they have a reputation based on re- <br /> "It's so much more advantageous to buy it as a trol Data employee—but a Control Data Cur- liability and what they've done in the past." <br /> service and get a set of skills from outside the poration employee.not a Control Data Sys- "It may he hard for us Minneapolitans to <br /> company,from someone who does it for a liv- tems employee.He's been with CDC and CDS believe." Morrison says."hut when you get <br /> ing.It's more cost-effective that having us do it for 26 years.having taken a sales position with outside of this town and to see <br /> ourselves." CDC right after earning a bachelor's degree in that Control Data is well-respected." • <br /> It disturbs some observers that CDS seems to business administration from the University of <br /> have stumbled into the electronic-messaging- Nebraska. Working his way up the corporate Kevin Reichard writes for several computer' <br /> service arena."We didn't know there would be ladder,he made the obligatory stops at the industry publications.including PC Magazine. <br /> . TWIN-CITIES BUSINESS MONTHLY FEBRUARY 1995• 49 <br />