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From:bcdtori To: Mr.Brian Friisinger <br /> Date:7J10/95 Time:14:57:02 Page 1 of 1 <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE <br /> ; ..,,,,� EDAM <br /> DTED EDAM <br /> -/ Economic Development Association <br /> • <br /> Minnesota Department of Trade <br /> Economic Development of Minnesota <br /> Contact'John Moon.612-854-6215 <br /> Contact:Gene Goddard,612-297-1168 February 10. 1995 <br /> 1-800-657-3858 Volume 2,No.7 <br /> This Week In Review: 1995 HUD CDBG Funding: DTED's enactment. This bill has been introduced <br /> Office of Community Development by Ozment, Rest, Abrams and Winter <br /> Drinking Water Revolving Fund finalized its contract with HUD for 1995 and referred to the House Taxes and Tax <br /> Governor Carlson's 1995 Capital Budget Community Development Block Grant Law Committee. Contact your <br /> recommends a $9.2 million appropriation funding. DTED will have $26.1 million representative or EDAM Legislative <br /> to the Department of Trade and Economic available to assist communities and Committee Chairs, Tim Clawson at 507- <br /> Development's Public Facilities Authority businesses for development projects. 288-6460 or Patrick Connoy at 612-673- <br /> to match federal funding for the * $3.8 million for Economic Recovery <br /> 5193 with comments. <br /> establishment of a State Revolving Fund Loan Fund. Minimum Wage Bill: DIED <br /> Drinking Water Systems. The $9.2 Small Cities Grant Program: <br /> million would match $46 million in.federal * $14.0 million for Comprehensive Commissioner Gillette testified before <br /> funds that have been authorized by * $7.7 million for Single purpose Senator Novak's Jobs, Energy and <br /> Congress during the 1994 and 1995 Applications are due October 1, 1995 for Community Development Committee on <br /> sessions but remains contingent on the this allocation. Note: The announcement the department's position on the State's <br /> reauthorization of the Safe Drinking Water for the 1994 funding will be made in early minimum wage. 1994 analysis of the <br /> Act. March. DTED received 84 competitive potential job loss and a summary of <br /> The reauthorization of the Safe Small Cities Grant applications requesting recent research on the impact of raising <br /> the minimum wage from the January <br /> Drinking Water Act is expected to be a total of$48.7 million. 30th issue of Business Week magazine <br /> reintroduced in Congress in the next were distributed to the committee. <br /> couple weeks and is expected to be the Tax Increment Financing (TIF : <br /> first piece of environmental legislation H.F. 147 proposes a number of changes to Commissioner Gillette emphasized <br /> passed by Congress this year. Obtaining the Tax Increment Financing law. Among that raising the minimum wage sends a <br /> funding at both the federal and state levels these, Section 11 adds a new subdivision negative signal to Minnesota businesses. <br /> is needed before the Authonty can to Section 469.179, sets forth provisions He cited the case of Tyler L.P., a <br /> implement this new low-interest revolving that relate to districts or project areas for business in Benson, INLN that is now <br /> loan program for public water systems which certification is requested before considering where to site a major <br /> anion. Businesses have a choice <br /> which is so critical in the development of May 1, 1990 (including pre-1979 expansion. <br /> infrastructure, and vital for a healthy districts). Revenues generated from such where to locate and it effects business <br /> economic environment. There are over districts may only be used to: 1. Pay location decisions when Minnesota gets <br /> 702 municipal water systems and 986 outstanding bonds that are secured by out front on issues like this. To avoid <br /> public water systems (servicing 25 people revenues of the district and which were this problem, it is the department's <br /> or more) in Minnesota that could become issued and sold before Feb. 1, 1995 or position that the minimum wage issue is <br /> eligible for low-interest loans for upgrading issued to refund bonds issued before Feb. better handled nationally by the U.S. <br /> their drinking water systems. Final action 1. 1995; 2. Pay contractual obligations Congress. <br /> will take place in the 1995 Bonding Bill secured by or paid from revenues of a `pow,Compensation Hearing: <br /> this session. district, if the contract was executed <br /> before Jan. 15, 1995; 3. Fund an escrow Tuesday, February 14: Senate, Jobs, <br /> Telecommunications: Governor Carlson's account to make future payments under a Energy and Community Development, <br /> 1996-97 Budget Proposal recommends contract referenced in (2) above; 4. Make Subcommittee on Employment: Continue <br /> $4.5 million for the Department of payments to the school district relating to Testimony on Workers Compensation <br /> Administration for expanding MNet. N4Net referendum levies, or 5. Pay "reasonable" System. 10 am, 107 State Capitol. <br /> is the state's data and video telecommuni- administrative expenses, subject to other cations network. This network is being General Information:Committee Information: <br /> applicable limits on administrative <br /> House:612-296-2146 House:612-296-8611 <br /> developed to facilitate electronic commerce expenses. (10"'or5°`o statutory). Senate:296-0504 Senate:296-8086 <br /> between state and local governments and Once all outstanding bonds have been To Obtain Copies of Bills: <br /> educational institutions. This initiative will paid or defeased and all contractual House:612-296-2314 <br /> encourage agencies to improve efficiency, obligations have been satisfied or are fully To make 29 change of or fax <br /> 6-2344 <br /> lower costs and improve delivery of escrowed the authority must decertifythe number please contact Gene Goddard, <br /> services to the public. district. This applies to all districts and DTED Project Coordinator at <br /> effective the day following final 612-297-1168 or 1.800-657-3858. <br /> Drafted by DTED. <br />